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TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 56: Farewell to the Xbox One


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Get your hankies at the ready folks, because TheXboxHub team are giving the Xbox One a well-deserved send-off ahead of the imminent arrival of the Xbox Series X. While TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 56 is certainly going to spend time focusing on the Xbox One generation, there’s also chatter about recent games like Watch Dogs Legion and discussion regarding the latest news in gaming. And if that’s not enough, we’ve got a selection of PUBG goodies up for grabs too – so tune in to find out more!

Saying goodbye to the Xbox One this week are Gareth, James and Richard, but before all that, they share what they’ve been up to in the past week. This includes preparing for another lockdown, watching The Banana Splits Movie on Halloween, and checking out a rehearsal for an upcoming online concert. There’s also a bit of news to discuss, which covers the actual storage space available on Xbox Series X|S and PS5, as well as the massive file size for Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. NBA 2K21 looks to be pushing the boat out for their next-gen instalment too, with details of The City recently unveiled.

The trio have been playing a real variety of games over the last seven days, including the likes of choose-your-own horrific adventure Little Hope, the hacking delights of Watch Dogs Legion, the hardcore parkour experience BH Trials, and the unusual episodic storytelling of Stories Untold. But, eventually, they get round to explaining their favourite games of the Xbox One generation and whether it’s been an overall success, or not. No spoilers as to the choices they made, however we will say that the indie scene holds its own against the AAA titles amongst the best games out there.

And finally, check out our PUBG Season 9 SWAG Bundle giveaway which includes an Alpaca Plush Toy!

As always, full show notes are available over at https://www.thexboxhub.com/podcast

If you’ve never heard of this podcast, then let us change that for you. What you need to know is that the TheXboxHub Official Podcast is a weekly podcast in which the team behind the written word get together to chat about all things Xbox, gaming, and life in general.

You can find this latest episode of our podcast on all the usual podcasting apps and options. That means it is available by searching for TheXboxHub on…

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James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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