We live in an age where new games arrive filled with glitches, which developers hurry to patch up after release. Some features are then kept, often being used in sequels and spin-offs. Below, we discuss three gaming errors that became permanent features.
The Hitman Briefcase
Released in 2018, Hitman 2 has become one of the top stealth game franchises. You play the part of a deadly assassin, tasked with taking down a range of different targets from across the globe. With an array of weapons at your disposal, it is all quite serious. That is until you decide to complete your deadly mission using the humble briefcase.
The briefcase issue came to prominence not long after the game was released. In CyberghostVPN’s list of the top ten video game glitches, they explain how the briefcase could be used to knock down opponents with a fancy homing feature. The developer, IO Interactive, spent a long time trying to eliminate the bug. The Hitman Briefcase was so successful it became the main feature of the game. Available on Xbox now, you may want to download it just to try the novelty of killing someone with a piece of office equipment.
Diablo II Hammerdin Class

Diablo II is one of the greatest RPG titles of all time and recently got an update on Xbox and other major consoles. This glitch was quite obscure and was only available to those who chose the paladin class. Once they learned an aura named Concentration, the character was supposed to passively bless others around them, increasing the value of their combat attacks. Yet it proved to be a very powerful glitch, also increasing the magic combat skill Blessed Hammer.
Blessed Hammer sent a magical weapon swinging out in a circle, which hit all enemies around the character with limited damage. Players discovered it gave a massive damage boost when combined with concentration, leading to a class of players known as Hammerdins. Blizzard could’ve chosen a way to remove this from the game. Instead they decided to keep it in with a little nerfing to decrease the power levels.
Civilization’s Angry Gandhi
Sid Meier’s ground-breaking Civilization is now up to its sixth incarnation on Xbox. The game allows you to take one of history’s great empires and grow it through time, choosing its scientific, artistic, military, and cultural pursuits. While you do so, you encounter numerous other countries and empires vying to survive led by famous historical leaders.
One of these is Gandhi.
An ambassador for peace in his time on earth, in the game the programmers gave him extremely low aggression statistics. As the game rolled out, they accidentally gave Gandhi the highest possible value. Gandhi’s character was extremely angry, always ready to start a fight and poised for war. So far was this from his character in real life, the developers have kept in it for comedy value.
There are many more in the history of gaming, going as far back as space invaders on the Atari. Yet there are sure to be many more, so keep scouring the message boards and forums so you don’t miss them