Running alongside the usual Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale is the Xbox Live Ultimate Games Sale. It’s live now and contains an absolute shed load of discounted titles on both Xbox One and Xbox 360. But many of us don’t have the cash to splash on the whole damn lot so which are the titles you really must borrow, beg and perhaps even steal for in order to get.
Okay, maybe it’s best not to steal, but borrowing and begging should most definitely be high on the agenda as the following games shouldn’t be missed, especially at the current prices…
Fantasia: Music Evolved – 40% off (£22.50 with Gold) – Xbox One
One of our favourite games of 2014 is now down to a superb price. Take on the role of the sorcerers apprentice and swipe, push and blast your way through the noise as you conduct the music in front of you. Making the very best of the Kinect for Xbox One technology, Fantasia: Music Evolved is just at home with the player sitting down as it is with them standing up.
Don’t think of this as a ‘dance’ title, it’s so much more than that. As our review explains.
Styx: Master of Shadows – 67% off (75% with Gold) – Xbox One
We had super high hopes for our little green goblin friend when the game released in 2014. Styx is, as the name suggests, is a master in the art of the shadows and it’s up to you to help him scale the huge Tower of Akenash in order to discover the secret of the Amber, the fluid that fills his green veins!
Accomplishing that task is tricky as any full on combat will see Styx become deader than a dead thing, so you’ll need to use all your guile, and indeed the environment around you, to help him hide from the guards and make his way to the top.
It didn’t quite make full marks in our review, but it wasn’t far off and the 75% discount for Gold members shouldn’t be ignored.
Lords of the Fallen – 75% off (£7.50 with Gold) – Xbox One
Okay, we have to admit to not yet having played Lords of the Fallen, but we’ve heard good things about it and the £7.50 price tag, for a full Xbox One recent title, is just too good to turn down. So good in fact, we’ve already jumped in ourselves.
You should too.
Lara Croft Temple of Osiris and Season Pass – 50% off (£8.00 with Gold) – Xbox One
Lara’s latest adventure throws you and three friends into the Egyptian Underworld as you take on the ultimate tomb raiding co-op adventure. Building on what was given to us in Lara’s previous cooperative offering, the Guardian of Light, Temple of Osiris has more puzzles and more of the fun we have grown to love.
The fact the full season pass has been included alongside the game, all for less than a tenner means you really should get involved.
Our review for Lara Croft: Temple of Osiris can be found right here.
Batman: Arkham City – 67% off (£3.74 with Gold) – Xbox 360
It was just a few years back that the whole damn world marveled at the intense beautiful experience that Batman: Arkham City brought to our gaming lives. The sprawling super prison of Gotham City is home to some of the world’s most violent and infamous super villains and there’s only one person who can stop them from reeking havoc across town…Batman.
…and to be able to pick it up now for just a few quid is a little bit crazy. If you’ve never played Arkham City, then get downloading this right now. If you’ve already played it, then a download and re-play should be very high on the agenda.
Just Cause 2 – 67% off (£2.99 with Gold) – Xbox 360
Many would argue that Just Cause 2 has only been included in the current Ultimate Games Sale due to its successor, Just Cause 3, releasing later this year. Hype building is one thing, but Just Cause 2 is a cracking game in its own right. Playing as Rico Rodriguex, you’ll get the chance to explore the island paradise that is Panau, with your unique grapple/parachute combo helping you get around like noones business.
Much of the fun is in the traversal of the environment but the sheer number of weapons and vehicles that are also present on Panau mean you’ll find fun in whatever you decide to do.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – 60% off (£8.24 with Gold) – Xbox 360
It’s LEGO, it has Marvel Super Heroes in it and it’s less than a tenner. Do I really need to continue?
Nah didn’t think so. Just buy it!
For a penny less than £3, you could do a million times worse than grab it now. The fact it’ll set you up nicely for what is to come later is just a bonus!
If none of the above floats your boat, you can check out the full Xbox Live Ultimate Games Sale right here, as well as the current Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale here.
Let us know what you grab in the comments below.