With little over a month before Titanfall hits the stores (11th March for NA and 14th March for UK), we thought it’d be beneficial to take a look at what to expect from the next big Xbox One title.
Newly released Xbox One games have been in short supply since the initial batch of launch titles, so much so that I hear whispers from gamers that Titanfall could sway people into either sticking with the One or venturing elsewhere. That’s a whole load of pressure for Respawn Entertainment’s first attempt at developing since they were formed. Surely it’s expected given the major hype garnered from last year’s E3.
Anyway what is Titanfall? For those who have been cut off from society or the internet, it’s a FPS in a futuristic region named the Frontier that is turned upside-down by war. Two factions are at war with each other; the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. The standard corporation versus the people conflict but in reality are either fighting for the best interest of the Frontiers general population.
It seems both factions have technological advancements that mean not only will you fight on foot as “Pilots” but also in huge mechanical warriors called Titans. Taking control of one of these Titans in battle will no doubt have a heavy influence on victory if used effectively. These come in three types – Atlas (all rounder), Ogre (powerful and tank-like) and Stryder (speedy and agility).
What can you do in Titanfall? Multiplayer, battle online in game modes that haven’t officially been detailed apart from there’ll be a maximum player count of 6 versus 6. Not the largest capacity by any means, however Respawn ensures us this is the optimised amount and they will throw in a few bots on top of this so there’s plenty of action.
Most of the questions we have will be partially answered with the arrival of the beta, that is now confirmed to be 14th February, please don’t break our hearts! Will it offer enough with no solo campaign? How will a campaign work being integrated into multiplayer? What game modes are there?
The beta sign up is now open and you can find a link to this plus more details on the beta game modes – HERE. Check out the Official Beta Trailer below…
It’s worth noting that this is going to be available on Xbox 360 too, however with a short delay till 25th March in North America and 28th March in Europe.