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Top 6 Xbox One games we want to hear more about at E3 2017


E3 is always a special occasion in the gaming calendar. Within the space of a few days we find out about the many different games that we can look forward to playing on our beloved consoles, and when we can expect them.

E3 isn’t just for gaming announcements though, as each year we continue to hear more and more about the exciting games that have already been announced throughout the year. So with just a few days left to go before the big event kicks off, here are our top 6 Xbox One games we want to hear more about at E3 2017.

Honourable Mention – Wreckfest

Once upon a time, the well-known sport and general hobby known as Destruction Derby was a popular thing in the gaming world. In recent years however, the epic destruction that came our way via such games has been replaced by first person shooters, and action blockbusters with the vehicular mayhem taking a backseat and simply fading away.

Last year Wreckfest, previously known as Next-Car-Game, became an instant hit on PC via the Steam Early Access program with stunning destruction and realism. With the racer set to arrive on Xbox One later this year as part of the Xbox Preview Program, it would be nice to see more of what’s to come at E3 2017. Maybe a release date to get excited for?

6) Borderlands 3

From the moment we first stepped foot on Pandora we knew there was something special about the place. Whether it was a side effect of constantly being chased by Skags, or the fact we had begun on the path of the Vault Hunter, there was something special about the journey.

Since that point the Borderlands series has only evolved further, with a hugely successful sequel, a pre-sequel and even a Telltale iteration to its name.

Last month however, we got news of another title in the works, Borderlands 3, as well as a still image which proved to be the first peek at the game’s artwork. Since that point things have been pretty much silent on development progress, so it would certainly be a welcome showing this year. A release date is probably a lot to wish for, but surely it wouldn’t be pushing things too far to ask for a trailer?

Right Gearbox?

5) Dead Island 2

Is it happening? Isn’t it happening?

These are the questions we’ve been asking for a few years – ever since it first made an appearance with a rather enticing trailer at E3 2014.

Since then we have heard of a change in development teams and a new vision for the game, but overall confirmation that things are still going ahead would be nice.

As a big fan of the Dead Island series, I would love to see more info on the genre changing zombie-RPG title, and with a complete silence for several months now, surely E3 would be the best way to instill the confidence that things are going well into consumers once more. After all, with a wait this long, a nice long break in the sunny blood-soaked stretches of infected California may be just what we’ve been waiting for.

4) Resident Evil 2 Remake

A little bit of a different one now.

We know it’s happening thanks to full confirmation from Capcom, and the cancellation of the Resident Evil 2 fan project that was almost complete, but since the official announcement things have been exceptionally silent on the subject.

Of course, Resident Evil fans have had plenty to shout about in recent years with the remake of the first Resident Evil as well as Resident Evil 0, remasters for 4, 5 and 6, and even an entirely new entry in the series. But with such fantastic stories, deep backstories, creepy settings and fan favourite characters, you can’t blame the devoted fan base for wanting more.

The announcement of Resident Evil 2’s remake is enough to make the toes of any fan curl, so any new info would certainly be a good showing from Capcom this year. In the meantime, we can always look forward to the Resident Evil Revelations remaster that is due to arrive later this year.

3) Kingdom Come: Deliverance

With Bethesda not due for any exciting RPG sequels from their popular Fallout or Elder Scrolls franchises any time soon, and Witcher 4 only now in the early development stages, excitement for Kingdom Come: Deliverance has been steadily ramping up – especially now that the release date is known.

The game is set in the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia, an Imperial State of the Holy Roman Empire. With a heavy focus on bringing historically accurate and true realism to the game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance could yet be the RPG game to make a difference.

A highly interactive open-world has been promised, all ready to explore with branching quest lines. Kingdom Come could be the next big RPG hit, and with nothing expected from any of the well-known franchises that we’ve come to love over the years, now could be the time for a new I.P to take centre stage and own the show at E3 2017.

2) Crackdown 3

Whether it was the experience of hunting down criminal kingpins or the fascination of orb hunting, one thing we all know for sure is that the Crackdown games we’re impressive.

With an open-world that felt like the love child of a GTA and Saints Row mashup, and the feeling like you were doing right by the world, courtesy of your job in the agency, Crackdown had the hero experience we all love in games – all whilst maintaining a steady flow of explosions and gun play that just felt right.

Crackdown 3 was met with big excitement after it was announced way back at E3 2014, but with nothing but delays and broken promises, that early excitement has started to dwindle. Crackdown is Crackdown though and all it would take is a concrete release date and some more info to get that hype train started back up once more.

With Crackdown 3 currently one of few triple A exclusives actually announced for Xbox One, you can bet Microsoft would want to have it on show at E3 this year. But whilst we fully expect to see it at some point, it’s the release date we want to hear about most.

Don’t let us down Microsoft.

1) Oddworld: Soulstorm

So, our final entry now, and unless you’re a long time devoted gamer, our choice might be one that you didn’t see coming. Nevertheless, it’s real and boy are we excited for it.

Oddworld: Soulstorm is the latest entry into the Oddworld saga, but other than some teaser images and the incredibly difficult developer mysteries that have circulated online about the game, not much is known.

Anyone who has headed back to Rupture Farms via the Oddworld New ‘N’ Tasty remake will most certainly agree that the magic is still there, and with an all new entry finally set to come to the saga that started life on PlayStation 1, it would be fantastic to hear more on what we can expect. Development is said to ‘be going well’, and the potential for a release date is now a possibility too, especially with Lorne Lanning, the co-founder of Oddworld Inhabitants, expected to be in attendance at this year’s E3.

Our excitement is almost beyond control. Whether we will see it or not remains to be seen, but one thing we know for sure is we’re ready for Abe to return.

There we have it. The top 6 Xbox One games we want to hear more about at E3 2017. Do you agree with our choices? Have we left out any unforgiveable choices? Let us know in the comments below or via our usual social channels. Don’t forget to check out our top 6 Xbox One games we want to see announced at E3 2017 too.

Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!
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