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Two further games join Xbox One via Backwards Compatibility – Are they worth the return?


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Last week may not have brought many new titles over from Xbox 360 to Xbox One, with Crackdown proving the only new addition, but with Xbox One X enhancements arriving for multiple Xbox 360 games, it was a good week nonetheless. This week however sees even more Xbox 360 titles now playable on Xbox One via Xbox Backwards Compatibility. But the big question is this… Are they worth dusting off and playing through once again, or are they disappointing adventures that should be left in the past?

Hitman: Blood Money – Play

With its most recent episodic release proving to be such a masterpiece, it’s hard to see how it’s taken till now for Hitman to adopt an episodic fashion, with plenty of standout features included that weren’t there when the series began. One of the key games to introduce many of these features though was Hitman Blood Money and the changes it brought made for one of the best entries to the Hitman franchise we’ve ever seen.

For anyone who got involved in Agent 47’s fourth instalment, Hitman Blood Money was a game changer. It was the first game to introduce the ‘Notoriety System’ in which the player would become easier to find by NPCs, the higher the Notoriety was. Should you be seen on camera surveillance or witnessed killing another character, it would rise. They were neat little touches that really made the difference along with the other key game changer that allowed players to properly hide bodies, rather than simply drag them out of sight.

Whilst the general goal of Hitman Blood Money was the usual ‘take out the target in whatever way you choose’ scenario, the changes made for a game that felt revolutionary within the series. Even today – with dated movement and visuals – it’ll still play incredibly well on the Xbox One.

Is it a game you should be heading back to? If you’re a fan of stealth, or a fan of Agent 47 himself, there is no reason not to check out the adventure that shaped the incredible future of the series.

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars – Play

Ahhh, LEGO… do you really need to question whether or not you should be playing this?

LEGO Star Wars III brings together Star Wars and LEGO in the ultimate clash of hulking brands… and by god is it a fun way to play.

Whilst recent years may have given us a visual masterpiece with the Star Wars Battlefront games, it goes without saying that LEGO Star Wars brings some of the finest movie-based tie-ins we’re ever likely to see on console. There’s humour, it’s fun to play, there’s a ton of characters, it can be played in split screen co-op and it all comes at you with that brilliant LEGO bricks style.

This game may only be focussed on The Clone Wars era of the movies and it may not be as modernised as recent LEGO entries, but you don’t need me to tell you it was a memorable adventure. Did it bring the same magic of the movies? Yes, in its own unique way and we wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. You should definitely be heading back to this classic adventure.

So, there we have it, two more titles to enjoy on Xbox One, both of which are cracking additions for Xbox Backwards Compatibility. Do you agree with our thoughts? Will you be booting up either of these ageing classics in the coming weeks or months? Is there a particular Xbox 360 title you’d like to see come to Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below or via our usual social channels.

Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!
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