HomeTheXboxHub News...Two new FighterZ join the Dragon Ball fray

Two new FighterZ join the Dragon Ball fray


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Are you ready for the arrival of more FighterZ? The Dragon Ball FighterZ roster has just expanded!

Available to purchase either individually or as part of the Dragon Ball FighterZ Pass, we now see one of the most powerful fused characters ever, plus a calm and collected apprentice hitting the latest Dragon Ball fighter.

With Vegito (SSGSS) and Zamasu (Fused) both now playable in FighterZ, if you thought you were done with everything that Bandai Namco could throw at you, then you’ll need to think again.

But it’s not just the fighting skills that each new character comes with and we see both Vegito and Zamasu deliver no less than 5 alternative colours for their outfits, a new Lobby Avatar and a super cool Stamp with each.

Priced at £3.99 each, or as part of that £29.99 FighterZ pass, if you’re looking to expand your DB FighterZ experience, or just feel the need to have these latest characters in place for those times of need, then a digital store near you will sort you out with a download. Obviously, and as always, the Microsoft Store should be the next port of call for all Xbox One FighterZ.

Don’t forget to get more detail on Dragon Ball FighterZ as a whole by checking out our full review.

Vegito Description:

One of the most powerful fused characters, Vegito, enters the world of DRAGON BALL FighterZ! This content includes: • Vegito (SSGSS) as a new playable character • 5 alternative colors for his outfit • Vegito (SSGSS) Lobby Avatar • Vegito (SSGSS) Z Stamp

Zamasu Description:

Zamasu (Fused), the calm & collected Supreme Kai apprentice is bringing his share of methodic deadliness to DRAGON BALL FighterZ! This content includes: • Zamasu (Fused) as a new playable character • 5 alternative colors for his outfit • Zamasu (Fused) Lobby Avatar • Zamasu (Fused) Z Stamp

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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