HomeTheXboxHub News...Valfaris announced by the makers of Slain: Back From...

Valfaris announced by the makers of Slain: Back From Hell


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Did you enjoy Slain: Back From Hell? Well, the developers behind that are back with a new title and this one will see you loudly go where no-one has gone before as Valfaris takes you on a heavy metal space saga.

Digital Uppercut and Steel Mantis have today announced that Valfaris will be taking you on a big old adventure when it releases on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. A heavy metal infused 2D action-platformer that is scheduled to launch in 2018, Valfaris will bring you skulls, gore and metal as you venture deep into space, with the power of an extreme metal soundtrack pushing you along.

About the game:

After mysteriously vanishing from galactic charts, the fortress of Valfaris has suddenly reappeared in the orbit of a dying sun. Once a self-contained paradise, the grandiose citadel now plays host to an ever-growing darkness. Therion, a fearless and proud son of Valfaris, returns to his home to uncover the truth of its doomed fate and to challenge the arcane evil at its very heart.


Key features include:

  • Skulls in space! Gore in space! Metal in space!
  • Savagely reduce foes to piles of gibs with an array of brutal weaponry
  • Explore a diverse range of tainted environments as you venture ever deeper into the dark world of Valfaris
  • Dominate ranks of deadly enemies and bosses, from the weird to the grotesque (and some that are just grotesquely weird)
  • Gorge your eyes on devastatingly awesome pixel art hand-crafted by Andrew Gilmour
  • Feel the power of a seismic soundtrack by extreme metaller and former Celtic Frost guitarist, Curt Victor Bryant
  • Forged from the ground-up by the team behind cult hit Slain: Back From Hell
Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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