April 2020 will forever be remembered as literally the time everyone did a bit of gardening, banana bread became the UK’s national dish for a brief period, and people looked into legitimately buying barrels of oil to make a quick buck. But there were also plenty of easy Xbox achievements and Gamerscore points to unlock too, in what may be the last month where we see a AAA release on this list for a long time.
Resident Evil 3 – First Escape – 20G
Let’s start our list off with a bang – with a game that starts itself off with an almighty bang; the sound of a hulking seven-plus foot Tyrant destroying an apartment block to kill a specific person. You just happen to play as that specific person, Jill Valentine.
For its many foibles in comparison to 2019’s Resident Evil 2, no-one can argue that Resident Evil 3 starts off slowly. After a quick first-person homage to Resident Evil 7, Jill wakes up in her apartment, but this nightmare is only just beginning. Nemesis is on their way to kill Jill and what follows is a set-piece that quickly sets the tone for the rest of the game. You must outrun the Nemesis and his flames as he levels your apartment complex in pursuit of you. Make it to the side street and you’ll be 20G better off, but you’ll definitely need a breather before continuing any further.
Snakeybus – Sssnek – 25G
How do you even begin to describe a game like Snakeybus? How about the love child of classic Snake games and Bus Simulator if they were to hook up for a night of steamy, simulated, slithering action? Apologies if that conjures up some weird visions but the game is literally controlling a giant snake-like bus.
The entire Snakeybus achievement list could be on here, but it wouldn’t make for an interesting and varied list. Although if you have a spare tenner and a hankering for Gamerscore, then Snakeybus is good purchase. For the achievement list though, let’s focus on one very easy cheevo.
How easy you ask? Well, play the game once and earn 25G. Sound easy enough? I can’t sugar coat it anymore than that, you just need to play the game once to earn this achievement.
Random Heroes: Gold Edition – Zombie – 15G
Oh look, it’s another zombie-related achievement! Spoiler alert: It isn’t the last one either.
If you’ve ever bought a Ratalaika Games offering then you know what you are getting yourself into, and Random Heroes: Gold Edition is no exception. Cheap games and easy Gamerscore. So easy in fact, this particular achievement may be even easier than Snakeybus!
Random Heroes: Gold Edition is a side-scrolling platformer shooter where you must fend off an alien invasion by playing as a variety of characters. I’m not sure aliens would invade and then turn people into zombies but then again, I’m not the game designer here…
Anyways, for this achievement, all you need to do is kill one zombie, likely to be the first one you encounter. It’s probably harder to not unlock this achievement than it is to actually unlock it. There are 108 levels in Random Heroes so at some point in it, you will kill a zombie and with it, another 15G.
Horror of the Deep – Into the Deep – 100G
Alright, no more messing around with paltry achievement gains, let’s chuck some meatier ones in. Every achievement in Horror of the Deep offers a three figure Gamerscore boost, but let’s just focus on the first one for our list.
A word of warning though – if you’d not yet figured by the title – Horror of the Deep is a survival horror game which I know is enough to put some people off. That is definitely true for later levels but all that is required for the first level is to walk forward to reach the goal. I’ve watched our walkthrough – because I’m good to you like that – and I can confirm there is nothing frightening about the first level at least. The most frightening thing about the video may or may not be the early iteration of Gareth’s lockdown beard.
Navigate to the end of the level though and you’ll be a tasty 100G better off.
Brutal Rage – READY TO FIGHT – 50G
Another fairly hefty achievement comes from Brutal Rage, the latest side-scrolling beat ‘em up to hit our consoles. Consider this to be the starter to the main course all-you-can-eat buffet that will be Streets of Rage 4.
Brutal Rage contains a training mode to help get you up to speed before the main game. Under the tuition of Jason Fury – a tank-top wearing, eyepatch bespectacled, handlebar moustache sporting brute – you must follow his words of wisdom to complete the training. Learn to hit using a punching bag, pick up and throw weapons, grab enemies and jump during this short tutorial. This only takes about five minutes and you’ll bag yourself a juicy 50G.
Completing this also opens the game up where there are several 100G achievements knocking about so this is a useful purchase for those cheevo hunters out there.
Resident Evil Resistance – Look at Me – I’m the Mastermind Now – 15G
Another, another zombie game! This one came chucked in with Resident Evil 3 in an attempt to sweeten the deal of a full-priced offering, but came up way short in our review.
Resident Evil Resistance is a 4v1 asymmetrical multiplayer game where four Survivors are pitted against one Mastermind. The Survivors must escape their prison whilst the Mastermind must prevent them by decreasing the time they have left to zero. Having two sets of characters to play as and understand means you need two tutorials, and the achievement here is for completing the Mastermind one, the first tutorial in the game. Follow the steps in the tutorial to completion and earn yourself 15G.
However, as anyone that has tried to play as the Mastermind in Resistance can testify to, this tutorial is likely the only opportunity you’ll get to experience that side of the multiplayer for a fair while.
Obey Me – Starstruck – 10G
Our final easy achievement this month is to give you all a bit of an ego boost; getting S ranks in games has traditionally been for the completionists; the kind of people who dedicate their craft to one particular franchise and know it inside out.
But not anymore! Now you too can get an S rank – in fact, to be precise here, this is a SS rank so even better – in Obey Me. A top-down 3D brawler, Obey Me is set in the modern world featuring a conflict between Heaven and Hell where you play as a Soul Huntress trying to balance the conflict with your trusty Hellhound companion.
To get this 10G achievement you need an SS rank in an encounter. This can be unlocked as early as the first encounter by just hitting all the enemies and objects you see around you. I’m sorry to say there isn’t an exact science to it but if you’ve clicked on and read to the end of this article, we know all too well that isn’t what you are looking for here.
And that’s our list! If you missed last month’s you can check that out here. As usual, we hope there is something in this list that takes your fancy; whilst it is to highlight easy achievements there are usually more than a few good games behind their generous Gamerscore offerings as well. How many of these will you be unlocking, let us know in the comments below!