An endless conflicts rages on, and in War Theatre on Xbox One, you’ll be at the heart of it.
Available to purchase and download on Xbox One right now, War Theatre from Arcade Distillery – they previously behind the release of Mecho Tales on Xbox One – mixes together turn-based strategy with a ton of RPG styled elements, as you take charge of a hero of war, attempting to utterly dominate your foes.
Priced at just £4.19, War Theatre kicks off when seven unique warriors discover an ancient power source, one that promises untold riches and the opportunity to master any battlefield. Expanding from there on out, it is left o you to work with these ideas across both strategic gameplay and RPG elements, to come out on top, crowned hero of the ceaseless war in the process.
Customisation options are in play with War Theatre, as is the right to earn perks, refine tactics and take down each and every opponent ahead of you. After all, this is an endless war we find ourselves in.
Should you be interested in finding out more about how this fight for survival plays out then the Xbox Store will sort you out with a download, whilst our full upcoming review of War Theatre on Xbox One will be able to provide even finer details. Keep an eye out for it in the days ahead.
Game Description:
War has come to Kasalli. As endless conflict rages, seven warriors discover an ancient power that promises mastery over any battlefield. War Theatre expands classic turn-based strategy gameplay with RPG elements. Choose your hero and take to battle in single-player campaigns set in a continent ravaged by ceaseless war. Complete quests to earn perks and unlock deeper customization options to refine your strategy and dominate opponents. Directed by Luc Bernard