It was only a month or so ago that we saw the launch of Warface: Breakout on Xbox One and PS4, giving players the opportunity to embark on a new tactical shooting adventure. And whilst the free-to-play route that was utilised by the game that came before it was pushed to one side, the DLC add-ons are still a major part of the experience, with that coming to the fore here and now with the first Cosmetic Pack for Warface: Breakout.
Available to purchase and download into your game right now, the Warface: Breakout Season 1 Cosmetic Pack does as the name suggests, dropping a whole host of new cosmetic goodies into the base game.
Priced at £8.39, or available as the first of four sets promised in the Year Pass for £16.74, this first batch of visual add-ons will ensure that your time spent in Warface: Breakout will be full of joy.
The Season 1 Cosmetic Pack introduces no less than five new and exclusive skins for Breakout players to get involved in, with a glorious character skin for both the Reapers and Wardens, plus some rather lovely weaponry thrown in for good measure – including that of an Acid Knife.
In fact, the Warface: Breakout Season 1 Cosmetic Pack includes all of the following…
- – Exclusive legendary character skin ‘Deathwalker’ for Reapers
- – Exclusive legendary character skin “Custodian” for Wardens
- – Exclusive ‘Wasteland’ epic skin for AK-103
- – Exclusive ‘Warden’ epic skin for FAMAS
- – Exclusive Acid knife
If you’ve get the base game to hand and wish to expand your Breakout game to new levels, then grabbing the latest Cosmetic Pack is the way to go. You’ll find it available from the Xbox Store for Xbox One. Chances are that those on PS4 will also be able to enjoy what they deliver. Let us know if you decide to add it in to your game.