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Watch Dogs: Legion Online Mode Detailed and Dated!


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Ever since Ubisoft announced that Watch Dogs was continuing with Legion, multiplayer aspects were mentioned, with fans across the globe calling for an experience like no other. And now, a few months after giving us the chance to hit London town alone, Watch Dogs: Legion’s Online mode is preparing to roll out, with full details and release date now confirmed. 

Depending on your console of choice, and whether or not the wind was blowing in the right direction, Watch Dogs: Legion initially served up multiple gameplay opportunities. Some were brilliant, some had issues, and some failed to ignote the enthusiasm of fans, but now with the Online Mode, all new ideas and mechanics are coming into play. 

Due to release as part of a free update to Watch Dogs: Legion on March 9th 2021, the online portion of the game will let you hit the free-roaming open world with friends, as four of you can go at it, exploring London, taking in all-new city events, nailing challenges and pinning objectives like it is going out of fashion. With the base game already complete with a whole ton of brilliant side missions, there will certainly be a host of content to enjoy. 

There will be new cooperative missions too, allowing anything between two and four players the chance to create the perfect team and fight back against the most hostile of threats. Throw in a new ‘Leader of the Pack’ four player cooperative Tactical Op that demands teamwork in order to find success and Ubisoft have the bases covered. 

They’ve got more though and as the free update rolls out and the multiplayer aspect of Watch Dogs: Legion goes live, the Spiderbot Arena will also come into play. This PvP mode will see four players take charge of that glorious spiderbot, battling it out in a free-for-all deathmatch. 

By taking part in the online side of Legion you’ll find XP coming your way, letting you increase in rank and unlock a whole variety of rewards in the process. And yeah, that means you’ll get instant access to all new exclusive cosmetics and influence points, alongside the chance to upgrade your DedSec gadgets. 

That’s not all though and come March 9th two new single player missions will also roll out. Available to Watch Dogs: Legion Season Pass holders, these will be in the form of the Guardian Protocol and Not In Our Name. Details of each as follows:

  • Guardian Protocol: DedSec tracks an algorithm that could allow AI to override human decisions. If they don’t find it, it could be used to turn weaponized drones into autonomous executioners.
  • Not in Our Name: A secret group is stealing DedSec’s name. Worse, they’re also stealing information so their employer, a ruthless tabloid owner, can use it to blackmail their victims.

With Ubisoft promising that Watch Dogs: Legion will continue to improve and be enhanced throughout 2021, with further free updates including a new Invasion PvP mode, new co-op missions and free characters, it could be said that the draw of those London lights has never been brighter. 

Let us know your thoughts surrounding the whole Watch Dogs multiplayer aspects though – the comments section is down below. 

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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