After the recent spate of brand new releases in the world of Xbox, one would hope that there are plenty of great offers for what little money is left for gaming purchases. Let’s take a look at the potential bargains in the Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale running between the 8th-14th November 2016.
We guess Microsoft expected us to have spent up, because there’s not an awful lot in the sale this week. That being said, we can always spot a good deal when we see one and so, here’s our picks of the best and the worst.
Grab – Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops – 67% off – £2.64
If there was a bargain to instantly stand out, it was Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops with its big discount and very low price. Despite its mobile roots, Joint Ops holds its own the Xbox One amongst other twin-stick shooters, with an exclusive mode involving waves of zombies and an absolute ton of replayability. We’ve already recommended picking it up at full price, so for under £3 there’s no way you can avoid this.
For all the massive blockbusters available, sometimes it’s a nice change to try something a little different. So, head out to war with these Tiny Troopers!
Grab – The Swindle – 75% off – £3.00
Again, being so cheap certainly helped make our minds up as to whether this was worth grabbing or not. Playing as a group of thieves, the idea is steal as much money as possible in a steampunk-styled, alternate reality Victorian London. The Swindle relies on the stealth factor throughout, casing the area before proceeding with the most effective method of stealing.
As long as you can handle the pressure of having to work within limited amount of in-game days, then the concept will surely interest you and be a decent challenge – especially when the randomly generated levels are taken into account.
Leave – NBA 2K17 Virtual Currency – 20-25% off – Various Prices
Ask yourself one question…why on earth would you want to pay upwards of £6 for a bag of in-game cash which can be earned through naturally playing NBA 2K17? Sure, you could use it for giving your own created character a progression boost, but when two games could be bought instead that offer far more substances for your money, it makes no sense to throw the cash down the drain on NBA VC.
Let’s be honest, the currency will be gone in a mere few minutes no matter what you decide to spend it on.
If you like the look of our purchasing choices then you should also be taking a visit to CDKeys and grabbing some of their super cheap Xbox Live credit too. It’s the smart thing to do!
As always, don’t forget to let us know what you are tempted by. If you want to check out the full deals for the week, then you can find the full Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight sale right here.