The Xbox Ultimate Game Sale is still in place, but running alongside it as always is the rather brilliant Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale. It may well be playing second fiddle to the big sale, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any Xbox One and Xbox 360 games worth bothering about. Which are the very best deals on the table via the Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale for 24th-30th July 2018 though? And which are the worst?
Grab – Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition – 20% off – £6.71
It’s not the cheapest game available in the Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale this week, but it is one of the very best… and most addictive.
An addictive experience is all we really want in a game and that comes in spades with Lichtspeer Double Speer Edition. Only just released a few months back, Lichtspeer is one of the craziest, maddest, weirdest games you can currently play on Xbox One. And that is where the charm of it falls.
Lightspear throwing hasn’t ever really taken off in the gaming world, but now, with multiple enemies including giant German ogres, flying dogs, evil zombies, walruses on skateboards and penguins harnessing the power of rocket cannons all making their way towards you, you’ll need to become a dab hand at spear throwing… very quickly.
If you manage to do so you’ll discover a game with tons of charm, tons of content and tons of opportunity to drag in a mate for the ride via the co-op mode.
Yes, it’s not dirt cheap, but when a game comes along that is this fun, it doesn’t have to be. Just go and buy it right now.
Tempter – Western Press – 75% off – £1.60
You may think that any game coming in at just £1.60 is well worth a purchase. And for the most part you’d be right. But when that game only really delivers a few minutes of proper gameplay action, a decision will need to be made. Which is why Western Press is in as a tempter.
There is nothing wrong with Western Press per se, but a serious lack of content sees it as a game that you’ll be struggling to play even a day or two after your first look.
The most historically accurate frontier duelling game on Xbox One, your time with Western Press will boil down to mashing a sequence of buttons in the fastest time possible, all as you try to win the duel. With just a few opponents to try and take down, it won’t be long before you are left pinning all your hopes on a local friend, with two-player battles the only way of increasing the lifespan of the game.
But even then Western Press comes up short, which means even at £1.60, you should have to be thinking about what you are looking from a game before you go ahead and buy it.
Leave – Stranger of Sword City – 75% off – £7.00
Stranger of Sword City isn’t going to be the worst game you play this year, and in fact, there will be many out there who relish what it brings. But in order to enjoy the anime inspired dungeon-crawler with turn-based combat, you really will need to find yourself investing a ton of time into the experience.
And that is why Stranger of Sword City falls down, as the story comes across as weak, and the execution of the actual experience requires one hell of a grind… one hell of a grind that only those with the most distinctive of tastes will enjoy.
It’s all well and good to create a game and then stick to the tried and trusted formula that has been decided upon, but Stranger of Sword City has sacrificed both playability and accessibility in its quest to do so.
So there we have it. Again, not the busiest of weeks in terms of great Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains, but that should surely be expected when the Xbox Ultimate Game Sale is delivering such great offers. Should you wish to take up our advice though, and fancy grabbing one of the games listed above then you should also pay the team at CDKeys a visit – their cheap Xbox Live Credit is well worth grabbing.
Don’t forget that you can check out the full list of Xbox One and Xbox 360 deals available for this week by hitting up this article.
Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Details 24th-30th July 2018