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Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is on Xbox, PlayStation and PC


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ghostbusters spirits unleashed

For decades we’ve been conditioned to think one thing: when there’s something strange, in your neighbourhood – call the Ghostbusters! And now you can be on the other end of that phone – or indeed, on the other end of the Proton Pack – with Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed.

Releasing today on Xbox, PlayStation and PC platforms, the latest Ghostbusters video game really switches up the formula, and lets you be the ghost for once! Well, one of you will be that pesky phantom, with the other four online players getting kitted out with a Proton Pack, PKE meter, and all manner of traps to take down the ghost.

This is asymmetrical combat through and through: as a Ghost, you will take home the victory if you evade the Busters long enough to haunt different objects across the map. As a Ghostbuster, the win condition is of course to entrap the ghost in your Proton Pack, sucking it up all good and proper. 

And if there’s one development team that can do 4v1 multiplayer right, it’s IllFonic, those behind the mega-fun, albeit janky, Friday the 13th: The Game. Much like Jason, the ghost of the piece in Spirits Unleashed will be much more powerful than the Ghostbusters, who must instead work together as a team to overcome their adversary. They’ll have their fair bit of tech to help them do so, with the PKE Meter for detecting, Particle Throwers for grabbing the Ghost, and a number of traps to pin our spooky fiend in place.

On the other side of things, however, the Ghost can spit out ectoplasm all over the shop, scare away civilians, and possess many objects across the map, confusing the Busters as you haunt your way through the map. 

For those of you wanting a more mellow affair, Spirits Unleashed contains a single-player mode, with AI teammates helping you through. 

Whether a veteran Buster or newbie to the cause, Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed promises to offer a damn fun time hunting down the spookies, or causing havoc as a phantom. You can now pick up a copy on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 or PC – for Xbox, head over to the Xbox Store and make a purchase for £33.49.

Game Description:

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is a fun, multiplayer game perfect for all skill levels. Four proton pack wielding Ghostbusters attempt to catch a Ghost haunting unique locations in asymmetrical multiplayer battles (online or offline). As players progress, they will unlock cosmetics and upgrades for both Ghostbusters and Ghosts to evolve their gameplay experiences. The look and feel will deliver to fans an immersive experience in the universe, allowing them to play out their Ghostbusting fantasies. Whether hunting or haunting, the game is easy to learn and fun to master!

I'm an avid gamer who will play pretty much anything... but stick an open world or adventure game in front of me and I'm more than happy.
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