Are you ready to return to Neverwinter and the land of Sharandar once more? It’s time for Xbox and PlayStation players to join their PC brethen with Episode 2: The Soul Keeper. And to celebrate, Episode 3 has been detailed too.
Following on from the first return to Sharandar module that saw players able to take in The Iron Tooth, The Soul Keeper arrives to deliver a new evolution of Sharandar as adventurers travel to the Mended Grove and attempt to discover why the dead haunt the lands within.
With Episode 2 you’ll find access to new areas, a re-imagined adventure zone, a menacing new hag, additional quests, heroic encounters and more rewards. It’s looking like a great reason to head back to the ever increasingly huge world of Neverwinter.
In Episode 2: The Soul Keeper, the blight has receded in New Sharandar, yet now a dark cloud has descended upon the forest, slowly creeping into the Mended Grove. One by one, graves long silent have been exhumed, with Eladrin elves long passed walking again as undead. It is here where you come in, yet joining these reanimated corpses are Iliyanbruen elves corrupted by the Night Hag known as Mathilda Soulstealer, an ancient fiendish being who drains the life from any living thing she touches. To rid the Mended Grove of the undead, you and your friends will need to join forces in order to assist the elves of New Sharandar in defeating the soul-stealing Night Hag.
While exploring the vast grove, Neverwinter players will now find themselves facing some of the strongest of the Night Hag’s undead servants, all as they take on new bounties and challenging heroic encounters. The Waking Nightmares major heroic encounter tasks adventurers to strike down the powerful Keeper of Nightmares to free captured adventurers before they’re converted into undead. Prove strong enough to complete these deadly fights and you’ll be able to earn epic rewards from the Iliyanbruen elves of New Sharandar, including new companion gear and rings with new powers.
In all, Neverwinter Episode 2: The Soul Keeper includes the following…
- The Mended Grove – Explore the new Mended Grove area of the Sharandar Adventure Zone, where undead servants haunt the living, summoned by a soul-stealing Night Hag.
- Night Hag Lair – The vile Night Hag has made a lair for herself in an ancient Illefarn crypt where she hoards her stolen souls. Undead guardians abound in this long-forgotten tomb!
- The Soul Keeper Campaign – Begin the second Sharandar campaign for new rewards, including new companion armor sets, along with new rings with brand-new powers new to Neverwinter.
- New Heroic Encounters – The new Mended Grove area has four new, challenging Heroic Encounters (one Major Heroic Encounter and three Minor Heroic Encounters). Upon successfully completing an encounter, adventurers are rewarded with Seals of the Wild, which can be traded for Crone’s gear.
- New Bounties – As the threat of the hags grows, more of their foul champions are brought forth. The Iliyanbruen elves of New Sharandar reward those adventurers brave enough to defeat these threats and claim the bounties.
You’ll find Episode 2: The Soul Keeper rolling out right about now on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4 and PS5. It’s been available on PC for a little while already. Grab a free download of the game from the store of your choice. And if you wish to know more about it, check out our exclusive interview with the Neverwinter team.
Episode 3: The Odious Court will conclude the Neverwinter: Sharander evolution as adventurers travel to Dark Fey Mire to investigate the fetid swamp tainted by the mysterious dark magic of Magra Curse-Eye, the deceitful Green Hag, and her sisters from the Odious Court. With frog-like humanoids called Grungs claiming the area as their own, along with aggressive Dryads who have taken refuge within, adventurers need to restore safety to the region – all the while uncovering the role of the Odious Court.
But that’s not all and in addition to new story content, the last episode also brings exciting new features to Sharandar, including an epic battle against all three of the menacing hags, new bounties, new heroic encounters, new rewards and much more.Â
We’ll be sure to let you know once that arrives.