If Disney have their way then there will never be an end to the Star Wars saga. But on the back of the most recent film wowing the big screen crowds, it is the gaming version of the franchise that takes centre stage today, as the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for January 2020 sees LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy become free to download.
Stripped of its usual £11.99 price tag until the end of January 2020, LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy does pretty much as you would expect it to do – covering the Original Star Wars Trilogy whilst infusing it with a ton of that iconic LEGO humour.
First released on Xbox 360 back in 2006, it has to be said that this is a game that is most certainly getting on in age, and really can’t hold a LEGO brick to the brilliance of the more recent LEGO affairs like LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham and The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame. However, for free you can be sure it’ll deliver you a decently good time.
Covering Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, this collection provides fans with the usual Star Wars greatness whilst seeing a ton of blocky LEGO humour thrown in for good measure. And until the end of the month, all Xbox gamers with a valid Xbox Live Gold subscription can get hold of a copy for absolutely zero cost. And with the power of Back-compat that the Xbox consoles more than make the most of, both Xbox 360 and Xbox One players can enjoy the fun and games.
Just get over to the Xbox Store right now, hit the download button and enjoy the freebies. Even if you don’t intend on playing LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy right now, you may as well get it put in place ready for a rainy day. If you don’t grab it for free now, it’ll be going back up in price forever more come the start of February.
Should you wish to know more about the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for January 2020, then we’ve got you sorted.
Game Description:
LEGO® Star Wars® II: The Original Trilogy reunites the fun and endless creativity of LEGO with the epic story, heroic characters, and exciting action of the Star Wars universe. In this highly anticipated follow-up game, follow the tongue-in-cheek, brick-based action through all three epic films of the original Star Wars Trilogy.