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YesterMorrow to bring time-traveling platforming to Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC in November


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Ready to work some time-bending puzzles and embark on a journey full of light and dark? YesterMorrow is coming to Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC in November.

Due to hit current gen consoles and PC on November 5th 2020, YesterMorrow is the time-traveling puzzle platformer that has been created by those at Bitmap Galaxy, with the publishing team at Blowfish Studios pushing it out to the masses. And when it does arrive, it promises to deliver much as you get the opportunity to join Yui, a young girl who has been tasked with taking on a journey full of light and darkness.

In it you’ll join Yui as she travels between timelines, braving the post-apocalyptic world that is present in hope of restoring the idyllic past. Do so and the chance to take down the Shadows who destroyed Yui’s home will come to the fore – all thanks to the power of the Everlight; a mystical force granting her strange powers.

Throughout YesterMorrow you’ll be found alternating between eras while traversing four different islands as the mission to repair the arcane tower that holds within it the key to control the flow of time, takes place. You’ll also be taking the fight to the Shadows, utilising the ability to launch energy bombs, freeze time, and more, before turning back the clock in search of secrets and clues. Can you help restore the Sun to its rightful place and save Yui’s family from a dark fate?

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With time-bending puzzles, hidden passageways, the opportunity to scour a variety of lands, and the enjoyment of some stunningly gorgeous pixel-art, there is immediately much to love about YesterMorrow.

“YesterMorrow is a time-travelling adventure tale about the clash between light and darkness,” said Ben Lee, co-founder, Blowfish Studios. “We wish we could jump forward in time to Nov. 5 so we wouldn’t have to wait to share the game with everyone on PC and consoles!”

If you wish to know more then the trailer below should sort you out. Alternatively hold tight until that November 5th 2020 launch and be prepared for a lovely little surprise. We’re expecting YesterMorrow to arrive on Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC for around $19.99 USD / €17.99 / £15.99 / $24.99 AUD. A Steam PC version for China, co-published by Gamera Game, is also set to release on November 5th, while a version for other countries across Asia will be published by ORENDA on Steam for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch in Q4 2020.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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