HomeTheXboxHub News...Head to the year 2091 as Ruiner arrives on...

Head to the year 2091 as Ruiner arrives on Xbox One


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If you’re after a new shooter and like a bit of brutal Cyberpunk action then RUINER may just be the game for you.

Available now for £16.74, Ruiner takes you to the corrupted cyber metropolis Rengkok, in the year 2091. By mastering the brutal combat on offer, employing a wide array of gadgets and utilising numerous augmentations, boosters and more, it’ll be up to you to uncover the truth behind the corruption, partake in a rescue mission and learn to trust the hacker who promises to be your friend.

With the action being pushed along via a deep and complex story, and a whole ton of skills and gadgets ready to be mastered, Ruiner promises to be a cyberpunk shooters dream game – especially if you’re up for navigating your way through a rather senseless world.

If that all sounds like your bag, then get over to that Xbox Games Store and prepare to be whisked to 2091!

Game Description:

RUINER is a brutal action shooter set in the year 2091 in the cyber metropolis Rengkok. A wired sociopath lashes out against a corrupt system to retrieve his kidnapped brother and uncover the truth under the guidance of a secretive Hacker friend. Sophisticated & Brutal Combat: Become the boss of the battlefield acquiring deadly supplies, enhancing your tactical senses and mastering other mind-breaking skills and gadgets that will leave your foes confused and powerless. Cyberpunk Inspired Arsenal: Employ state of the art gadgets and abilities like energy shield, kinetic barrier or grid converter. Dash augmentations, reflex booster or overload will make you uncatchable while with ghost break you can hack your opposition onto your side of the fight. Story-Driven Action: Violent confrontation is a means to an end and trust is a devalued currency in Rengkok as you navigate a senseless world and dismantle the corporate titans of virtuality dealers at HEAVEN.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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