E3 is in full swing with announcements, trailers and opinions galore. Hope you didn’t miss the huge Mafia III offering?
Well if you did, then worry no more as we’ve got the official E3 trailer below, alongside a rather delightful video showing off the gameplay footage.
The catch…it’s 22 minutes long and that, in E3 world, is a lifetime! On the plus side, it shows off the re-imagined New Orleans and the ten districts that make up New Bordeaux beautifully. It may seem like a model of southern hospitality, but underneath it is a city ruled by organized crime and corrupt officials. We still can’t wait to visit when Mafia III releases on October 7th 2016.
But before that we urge you to have a watch of it when you get the chance. It’s glorious with tunes aplenty – in it’s own Mafia-led way.