Home TheXboxHub News... The Abyss free update hits No Man’s Sky

The Abyss free update hits No Man’s Sky


For many, the arrival of No Man’s Sky on Xbox One earlier this year was enough to satisfy the most jealous of eyes. But whilst others may have thought Hello Games were about to take their foot off the gas with their open world space explorer, the development team have had other ideas. In fact, they’ve got so many ideas that it’s about time for them to drop a new free update towards the lives of No Man’s Sky players, with the first major update since the release of NEXT now arriving.

The Abyss is available right now for all No Man’s Sky players on Xbox One, PS4 and PC, taking gamers under the waves and submerging them into the land of aquatic exploration. Introducing these new areas sees No Man’s Sky come with five times the variety as previous, a multitude of new submersible vehicles, improved underwater visuals and a ton more.

The latest trailer teases these depths, giving us an insight into the narrative, and tools and resources that you’ll be utilising. Details on each as follows:

  • Aquatic Missions and Narrative: A new story, The Dreams of the Deep, brings a new context to the depths and a dark narrative to No Man’s Sky. Players are invited to discover the fate of a troubled crew stranded from a freighter crash by the rising tides or explore underwater ruins to uncover the tale of a lost soul trapped deep beneath the waves.
  • Submarine Vehicle: Master the depths of planets using a new Exocraft, the Nautilon. This submersible vehicle gives new meaning to underwater navigation, combat and mining – and can be summoned to any ocean on the planet, as well as docked at underwater buildings. Players can upgrade the submersible with installable Submarine Technology and customise the Nautilon to stand out from their fellow explorers.
  • Submersible Building Modules: More than a dozen new base parts have been added to unlock more creative possibilities underwater. Players can construct the new Marine Shelter for brief respite from the oceanic pressure, and use its protection to reach new depths. New glass corridors, viewing bays and multi-storey submersible view domes provide travellers the perfect view of the surrounding ocean. Players can now bring their aquatic life into a habitat with a decorative indoor aquarium.
  • Flora and Fauna: The variety and visual quality of underwater biomes has been greatly improved. Players can now experience rare exotic aquatic biomes as they explore new depths. Underwater creatures have become more frequent, and more interesting. Aquatic life inhabits the full depth of the ocean, and unique terrifying creatures can be encountered on the ocean floor.
  • Sunken Wrecks and Ancient Treasures: Investigate sunken ruins and find ancient treasures or dive to submerged buildings to find remnants of their lost occupants. Discover and scavenge lost cargo from gigantic freighter wrecks. Use the terrain manipulator to excavate treasures buried in the nearby ocean floor. Find and repair rare crashed star ships to restore them from the seabed to the skies.

With a world that has been inspired by adventure and imagination, it seems like No Man’s Sky is continuing to go from strength to strength. If you haven’t yet played it, then the arrival of The Abyss means that there has never been a better time than now.

Hit up the trailer below and then go and experience the wonders of No Man’s Sky for yourself.

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