Home TheXboxHub News... Wales Interactive go big on Xbox with multiple new FMV bundles

Wales Interactive go big on Xbox with multiple new FMV bundles

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New Wales Interactive bundles are now on Xbox

Over the course of the last decade or so, there has been one team fixated on providing the best in genre when it comes to FMV games. Yep, Wales Interactive have absolutely owned the full motion video scene, releasing more games than we care to remember – many of them class leading. Today they go bigger than ever before, pushing out a number of new FMV bundles. If you haven’t yet given the FMV gaming world a try, now is your best opportunity. 

Available right now on the Xbox Store are no less than four new FMV Bundles from the Wales Interactive team. These follow on from previous bundles – the likes of the MEGA FMV Bundle from back in 2023 – to deliver specific elements of the full motion video scene to the world, combined as one. 

Mixing and merging some of the finest Wales Interactive games to date, it’s easy to pick and choose what you want to get involved in. There are Murder Mystery, Action, Detective and a mixed FMV Collection 4 all present. 

So what’s included?

We’ll start off with the cheapest of the four new Wales Interactive bundles that have popped onto Xbox today. That is the FMV Murder Mystery Bundle. Priced at £18.49, this bundles together two games, The Shapeshifting Detective and The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker in one discounted offering. 

From there, the price moves up to £19.99 for the FMV Action bundle. This one takes Bloodshore and Mia and the Dragon Princess, again allowing for a decent discount over the purchase of both games individually. 

For £29.24 from the Xbox Store, you’ll be able to grab, download and play the games in The FMV Collection 4. You’re getting three games this time around – again, Bloodshore is included (so don’t buy this pack AND the Action bundle, that would be silly), adding in I Saw Black Clouds and Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?. 

The final new pack is another triple treat. FMV Detective will set you back £32.49, bringing together Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? (again, consider your bundle purchases!), The Shapeshifting Detective and The Isle Tide Hotel

Which Wales Interactive FMV Bundle to buy

Reviews and store links to each game and bundle can be found on those bold links up top. We think these are some of the best ways to get involved in what Wales Interactive have to offer. You can play on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

But let us know what you think. Which pack will you be purchasing first? The comments are below. 

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