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5 of the very best gaming NPCs


Having played through The Outer Worlds recently, and having recruited all of the companions it is possible to get, I was reminded once again of how much difference a good non-playable character (NPC) can be to a game. As I’m sure you all know, an NPC is basically being anyone in a game that you can interact with, who isn’t your character. These can be those generic people wandering the streets, quest givers, potential companions or even merchants, and there are many memorable ones to choose from. As everyone loves a list, I’ve decided to have a think about my favourite NPCs from all the games I’ve played, and to scribble down some thoughts for your reading delectation. So come with me as I list 5 of the best gaming NPCs of all time – in no particular order, I might add. 


5. Parvati – The Outer Worlds

A brand new entry onto my list, Parvati is a mild mannered mechanical engineer in the town of Edgewater, found in The Outer Worlds

Now, the competition for best NPC is always hot, and in this game it is particularly so, as every companion, and especially ADA, the AI that runs the ship, is quite capable of being named on this list. I’ve chosen Parvati as not only was she the first companion I recruited, but also because her side story is actually really sweet and touching. 

I’m not going to go into details for fear of spoilers, but basically we have to try and help Parvati get ready for a big date, and the way she speaks and details her inner turmoil is, well, just very nice. Having to help gather the perfect meal, find the right outfit, and basically almost talk her down off the ceiling as the date gets closer and closer is very involving, and if you can bring the mission to a successful close, there is a great deal of warmth to be had.

It helps that the voice acting is tremendous throughout the game, with the acting and emotion that went into Parvati’s character being a real standout. 

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