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A deadly virus takes over the world in Zomborg

Ready to tackle the zombie hordes in Zomborg?

A deadly virus. A planet wide plague. Quarantine zones. Sound familiar? Well, Zomborg on Xbox, Switch and PlayStation goes one better and puts the fate of humanity in your hands, all as you look to fight back against the walking dead. 

A world on the brink

Available right now as the latest game to release from Ratalaika Games is Zomborg. Priced at just £4.19, pay up and drop in and you’ll find a world on the brink; a world in which a deadly virus has turned the planet into a zombie-filled globe. It’s up to you to save the human race. Isn’t it always?

Running as a top-down shooter, Zomborg has you heading into numerous quarantine zones, all in hope of rescuing survivors and discovering the origin of the virus. You’ll do this with numerous characters in town, each wielding upgradeable weapons and intent on earning cash. You’ll need those weapons to take down the hordes ahead. 

Go into Zomborg looking for a fun-filled zombie romp and you should be fine with what is on offer. We’re not expecting GOTY contending enjoyment here, but Ratalaika have constantly surprised us over the years and so we are very much looking forward to getting involved in this one. We’ll be sure to drop a review as soon as we can. 

Key game features

  • Strategic top-down shooter gameplay
  • Customize characters
  • Earn money and upgrade weapons
  • Team up with non-player characters
  • Huge hordes of zombies

Buy and play now!

Zomborg is on the Xbox Store, playable across Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, fully optimised for the latter. 

You’ll also find it shuffling around on the digital storefronts of PlayStation and Nintendo Switch if you prefer. 

Zomborg on Xbox Game Description

A deadly virus outbreak has plagued the planet and the United Nations has set up quarantine zones around the globe. Rumors have spread that there are survivors trapped inside the quarantine zones, along with footage of grotesque, reanimated corpses roaming the streets. As the world’s governments search for the origin of the infection, they’ve deploy highly skilled mercenaries as the last hope for humanity. The fate of humanity is in your hands. It’s your turn to fight the walking dead. Create unique, customizable characters and arm yourself with 10 types of weapons. You’ll need the firepower when you get attacked by up to 100 zombies at once!

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