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Click, click, click with Lord of the Click: Interstellar Wars on Xbox and PlayStation


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lord of the click interstellar wars
Go interstellar with the latest Lord of the Click on Xbox

We’ve already had the opportunity to take in the Lord of the Click series on Xbox. With multiple iterations of the franchise gracing our consoles. Lord of the Click: Interstellar Wars takes things to the intergalactic plane as the fourth entry in the series, and promises even more mindless clicking on Xbox.

The Battle Against Arthritis

Lord of the Click: Interstellar Wars has made its way over to Xbox and PlayStation, on the back of a recent PC release.

Developers HugePixel know that with Lord of the Click: Interstellar Wars you may well be in for a bit of wrist pain with all the clicking on offer. It’s a classic battle of good vs evil vs arthritis. As you’ll get the chance to blast off into space and click your way to victory against aliens and mutants. The plan is to colonise new planets and conquer worlds. But you’ll have to amass a variety of military units to deploy against waves of foes.

Throw in the opportunity to deploy additional weapons and traps to out-wit your enemies – those stupid aliens!

Think of everything you will have learnt in the original Lord of the Click, Lord of the Click II and Lord of the Click III, and you should know what to expect with this new one.

Available Now!

Lord of the Click: Interstellar Wars is now available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. It’s also on PlayStation and PC.

Check it out on the Xbox Store for £4.19, and look out for our full review of the game soon!

Lord of the Click: Interstellar Wars on Xbox Game Description

The time is here again to stretch your naughty fingers! Do you know why Lord of the Click appears for the fourth time before your discerning gaze? It’s simple – players love Lord of the Click, because this series of games is more than the SPACE itself! How sparklingly I made a path to the main description, huh!? 

Lord of the Click: Interstellar Wars takes the endless conflict of good, evil and arthritis to a whole new cosmic level! Fight aliens and mutants, colonize new planets, reach for the stars, and all this under the measured and lulling creak of your joints. You haven’t had so much fun yet and definitely won’t until we release the fifth Lord of the Click game! (By the way, the games are not story related, you can start right with this one!)

I'm an avid gamer who will play pretty much anything... but stick an open world or adventure game in front of me and I'm more than happy.
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