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Free Mercenaries game mode announced for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands


ghost recon wildlands mercenaries

Ghost Recon itself has been around since 2001, but when Wildlands launched in 2017, it ushered in a whole new way of thinking. Now though it’s time to move on again, as today Ubisoft have announced a brand new game mode for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – and not only will it be free to play, but it’ll be here before you can line up that killer shot.

Arriving come 18th July 2019 (yep, tomorrow), Mercenaries is a new eight-player free-for-all PvPvE gameplay experience that comes with one main objective – to call for rescue, locate and reach the extraction point. Oh, and then be the first to board the chopper.

Mercenaries will be available on Xbox One and PS4, to deliver an all new Wildlands experience to the gaming masses.

At the beginning of the match, the extraction point is unknown and players will have no ranged weapons, gear or items. Players will need to locate and activate radio transmitters to shrink the possible extract zone on the map. In the meantime, players will fight to be the first to gain intel on transmitter locations while looting gear, weapons and money. After the first player has activated three transmitters, the chopper will head to the extraction point and once landed, the location will be revealed to everyone. The first to fill their extraction gauge and board the chopper, wins. Simple. As. That.

As you may expect to hear, Mercenaries introduces a wealth of new mechanics too, including:

  • Looting for Gear: Players start the game just with a melee weapon and will need to find the best gear, weapons and consumables to fight the Unidad forces and enemy players. If a player dies, they will lose all of the loot gathered and start at square one when they respawn.
  • Armor: Mercenaries mode will feature a new health and armor system. Based on the gear players pick up, an armor bar will appear. This bar will absorb a percentage of damage based on the penetration capability of the opponent’s weapon.
  • Health: If players are hit by a weapon that deals penetration damage, they will bleed and gradually lose a percentage of their health. If they are injured, they will be able to loot three different types of healing items to get back into fighting shape: medikits, bandages and syringes.
  • Destructible Doors: Destructible doors can be opened with CQC, behind which players may find intel, loot, or cover to aid them in their fight. Players will need to think tactically about when to use this as opponents will be able to hear the breaking doors if they are close by.

And futher to that, and running as a thank-you to players, the Lone Wolf Costume will be given as a reward to all who manage to complete their first match, alongside a series of rewards based on their wins.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands also has a Rewards Program up and running, available to all until September 27th. Should you find it within yourself to jump back into the Wildlands, you’ll be able to complete the set challenges, and redeem special rewards in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Wish to know more about Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands on Xbox One? Make sure you hit up our full review of the game on Xbox One. And don’t forget to drop into the comments below to let us know if you’ll be spending time with Mercenaries.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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