Home TheXboxHub Features Opinions It’s all about Fallout – TheXboxHub Official Podcast #198

It’s all about Fallout – TheXboxHub Official Podcast #198

TheXboxHub Official Podcast Ep 198
It’s all about Fallout in Episode 198 of TheXboxHub Official Podcast

Episode 198 of TheXboxHub Official Podcast is up, live and ready for listening. But what is front and centre? Well, it’s all about Fallout. Isn’t it?

Join Gareth, Paul and Richard from TheXboxHub team as they chat for an hour or so, covering the latest from the world of Xbox and gaming as a whole. As you may expect, the smash hitting of Fallout is prime for coverage.

Fallout – front and centre

There’s more though. Expect to hear some thoughts covering the likes of Krimson, Cartel Tycoon and Terra Memoria. There’s also some hype about Harold Halibut as it lands on Game Pass, as well as the madness of TRAIL OUT

Need more? You got it as the guys also spend a little bit of time talking over the latest news pieces that have rocked the gaming world. New Golf With Your Friends game modes, anyone?

TheXboxHub Official Podcast is a weekly podcast in which the team behind the written word sit down for an hour – or so – of chat. Focus is mostly on the games that they’ve been playing, but there’s also news segments, the odd quiz, developer interviews and more. 

As always, full show notes are available over at https://www.thexboxhub.com/podcast

Where to listen?

And you can grab it from all the usual places. Just search for ‘TheXboxHub Official Podcast’ on your favourite podcast App.

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