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Make every second count as Assault Android Cactus goes free on Xbox One


Ah, the Games With Gold scheme. How we love free games and the opportunity to play titles that we may never otherwise have considered. Today we see Assault Android Cactus go free on Xbox One – and you may well be pleasantly surprised by how good it is.

Stripped of its price tag until the end of July 2018, Assault Android Cactus drops you into the shows of Junior Constable Cactus as she responds to a ship’s distress call. By working with and embracing a constantly draining battery mechanic, you’ll need to help Cactus and her friends clear the stricken ship of all enemies, keeping the bullets flying and ensuring the combos are kept high.

Usually priced at £11.99, should you be the holder of a valid Xbox Live Gold Subscription, then you will have the entirety of July to get a free download in. And if you like bullet hell style experiences, we reckon you will love this.

It may be one of those games that initially went under the radar, but whilst you are waiting for your download to hit home, you could do a whole load worse than check out our review of Assault Android Cactus from back in November of 2017. You may well be surprised by what it all says.

To get your download moving, head on over to the Xbox Store before the end of July – else that price will go back up and you’ll have missed out forever more.

Game Description:

When you’re running on battery, make every second count! Assault Android Cactus is an arcade style twin stick shooter set in a vivid sci fi universe. Junior Constable Cactus is outside her pay grade when she responds to a distress call and ends up stranded on a crippled space freighter under attack by its own robot workers. Utilising a draining battery mechanic in place of lives, Assault Android Cactus challenges you to think fast and keep the bullets flying, blending the gameplay of western styled arena shooters with aspects of Japanese style bullet hell as you charge head first through transforming stages, massive boss battles and an eclectic cast of characters on the way to saving the day.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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