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The Cornish folk tales of The Mermaid of Zennor play out on Xbox and PlayStation

The Mermaid of Zennor keyart
The Mermaid of Zennor is on Xbox and PlayStation

If you’re UK based, you’ve probably heard of the folk tales surrounding The Mermaid of Zennor. If not, then you may have seen the game kicking around on Steam. Whatever, it’s now time for us to enjoy that story on Xbox and PlayStation. 

The Mermaid of Zennor (the game) is now available to play on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, fully optimised for the latter. It’s also on the PlayStation Store as well as being found through Steam

The latest from Penguin Pop Games

Priced at £4.99 from the Xbox Store, this is the latest from the Penguin Pop Games team, as they help ebi-hime move in on an all-new console market. With Penguin Pop having previously released some utterly mad games – The Pizza Delivery Boy Who Saved the World – as well as previous visual novels in the form of Animal Lover and Graveyard Girls, it feels about right for them to stick their name behind this one. 

As the name of the game suggests, this focuses on the Cornish tales of yesteryear, as The Mermaid of Zennor comes to the fore. It’s just that this time the visual novel you’ll be found playing, whilst inspired by the classic, goes a bit darker, a bit more fantastical. With moments of mental health, obsessions, traumas and more, you really should know what you are getting yourself into. 

Lilac as front and centre, joined by the likes of Jesse, her older brother. It’s he who has had his heart taken by an enchantress, as Lilac looks to free him, going deep into her own mind in the process. 

Key game features

  • A full print-novel length visual novel
  • Multiple choose-your-own-adventure endings
  • Detailed character and background artwork
  • A fully custom, ambient OST with over 20 tracks
  • A hefty dosage of angst
  • English, German, and Russian translations – all of the angsty language hits!

Buy now!

You’ll find a purchase and download of The Mermaid of Zennor on the Xbox Store. From there, you can play on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. 

Alternatively it’s also on PS4, PS5 and PC. It looks like this one is set to launch on Nintendo Switch in the near future too. 

The Mermaid of Zennor Description

Enter the enchanting and dark world of “The Mermaid of Zennor,” a visual novel inspired by the classic fairy tale of the same name, but set in modern-day England. This tale is for those who find beauty in darkness, a story that will captivate you until the very end and touches on the adult themes of trauma, mental health and obsession. Follow Lilac as she struggles to find hope in her miserable life, relying only on her older brother, Jesse. But her joy of Jesse’s return for Christmas is short-lived when she learns of a strange and wicked enchantress who has ensnared her brother’s heart. As Lilac becomes consumed by her obsession to free Jesse, she is consumed by darkness, unraveling the depths of her own mind in this haunting tale.

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