It’s fair to say that I didn’t pull any punches during my analysis of the first part of the Assassin’s Creed ‘Homecoming’ arc. There’s little doubt issue #11 was a remedy for insomnia, but how the next instalment of comic series turns out could push it back on track. After all, I’m used to the ups and downs which have gone before. Could the latest ancestor to feature ensure that issue #12 regains some much needed excitement?
Quite frankly, yes he can.
The reader rejoins the action being recreated via the power of the Animus at the point of conflict between Hiram Stoddard and a fellow member of the Brotherhood, Giovanni. For some reason the writers have decided this is now taking place in Greece as opposed to Italy – whether that’s an oversight or not, I’m not sure. Anyway, there’s a sense of urgency at the start, with a spot of fisticuffs which gets the comic off to a flyer. Questions are raised as to why these two are battling over the Piece of Eden and after just a few pages it was instantly better than the last outing.
It was rather interesting for a couple of these questions to be answered within the same comic as we get transported to another important moment for Hiram in the 16th century. This time Tuscany is the location of choice, and it offers quite a decent slice of back-story for why Hiram may have turned into such a bastard. I’m sure we’ll find out very soon. There’s also a cameo that ties into the video game world of Assassin’s Creed – which made me slightly giddy – just to add an extra layer of greatness to Stoddard’s story.
Obviously it doesn’t stay with Hiram forever and does go back to the modern day Erudito compound at some point, albeit for only a short while, simply to remind us Charlotte still exists in this comic and that she’s searching for Consus. It places far more focus on Hiram and even Galina. That’s a good call considering enough of the blandness surrounding Erudito base of operations that our eyes have already suffered.
Speaking of Galina, her story takes us to Somalia on the closing stages of the hunt for the elusive Joseph. I think Joseph is a beast of a character and so seeing him in action once again delivers a brutal encounter. The panels do begin to get a little confusing though as the thought and speech boxes make it difficult to follow with three characters chiming in during the mission.
All the pages set in the 16th century really allow Neil Edwards to show off his talents during a few fight scenes and some lovely backdrops to complement proceedings. The swing of a fist, the swipe of a stick and the throwing of dirt are all represented to a very high standard. Between that and the goings on in other times or locations, it’s possibly the best artwork and colouring of the series so far. Not everything is visually stimulating, but that just ensures the rest stands out.
Issue #12 is a truly great offering that shares its time across three developing stories, where Anthony Del Col & Conor McCreery have put more emphasis on the interesting parts and steered away from what could potentially send a reader to sleep. Now, I’m left wanting to find out a multitude of answers, which is a good thing, as I’ve been fed more than enough already to fulfil my inquisitive nature until next time. The only drawback is the perplexing thought boxes in Somalia, but I can get over that.
Will there be more to come in cameo form from the well known assassin in the next issue? You’ll have to join me and find out, it could be another cracker.