Garrett Latimer

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Trophy Review

If you're in the market for a consistently difficult Mega Man-esque game, you wouldn't be at much of a loss with Trophy. Despite some of the design choices being not so memorable, the soundtrack and satisfying NES style gameplay is sure to please any fan of the genre.

How does Resident Evil 3 Remake stack up to those before it?

Resident Evil 3 Remake has certainly been a divisive game since its release. 

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Latest Reviews


DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS is a well worked game, with a lot of content to go at.

Rivenaar’s Grove Review

Rivenaar’s Grove is an extremely simple yet mildly enjoyable puzzler. It provides a way to kill an hour or two, and isn’t remotely taxing on the old grey matter.

Unwording Review

Unwording comes with a positive message and creative gameplay mechanics.

Sokomonster Review

With a low asking price and promise of easy Gamerscore, we’re sure Sokomonster will appeal to a few.

Songs of Silence Review

Songs of Silence is an excellent entry into the 4X and strategy genre, even more so when you consider that titles in this niche are relatively thin on the ground on consoles.