HomeTheXboxHub News...Deadlight: Director's Cut 'Survival Arena’ Mode detailed

Deadlight: Director’s Cut ‘Survival Arena’ Mode detailed


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Deadlight Directors Cut Survival Arena Molotov Weapon Screenshot 3

Deep Silver have today dropped more details regarding the upcoming Deadlight: Director’s Cut – specifically bits and bobs regarding the Survival Arena.

Working with both Tequila Works and Abstraction Games, Deep Silver’s upcoming 2D side scrolling zombie survival title, Deadlight: Director’s Cut, will come complete with a Survival Arena mode, giving players the opportunity to face oncoming waves of zombies. They’ll need to act swiftly and decide wisely on which course of action will prolong their survival, how to utilise the in-map weapons and work out which pick-ups are the most essential.

Coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC on 21st June 2016 as both a digital and full retail title, Deadlight: Director’s Cut may arrive with a budget price tag (19.99€, £15.99) but we’ve got all fingers crossed that the gameplay involved will more than deliver.

In the all new Survival Arena Mode pick-ups are essential to withstand the hordes, such as in-map weapons and ammunition. Changing the game, different weapons will also be introduced, including the Machine Gun, Molotov Cocktail and Sniper Rifle. A further helping hand will be offered though medkits scattered across the map. Destructible environments are another strategic aid to look out for, such as walls and surfaces which can be demolished to access untrodden areas. Defenses can also be utilized to venture to new areas within the mode or to halt zombies. The Survival Arena mode will in addition offer a Leaderboard, the ranking based on survival time.

But that’s not all as the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game will now also include the Nightmare Mode, revealing an alternative ending to Deadlight once the game has been completed.

Full features include:

  • Separated from his family, search the ruins of a ‘1986’ Seattle and uncover the fate of Randall’s loved ones
  • Solve puzzles and overcome environmental hazards in tense 2D platforming
  • Decimate zombies with melee combat and weapons, or sneak past using the environment
  • Combat isn’t always the answer, especially when ammunition, weapons, and resources are scarce
  • Survive endless waves of zombies in the new ‘Survival Arena’ mode! Use Interactive defences to block zombies and access new areas, or fight back using different weapons like the Machine Gun, Molotov Cocktail and Sniper Rifle and try to rank above the rest in online-leader boards
  • Take on the ultimate survival challenge in the previously PC-exclusive ‘Nightmare’ difficulty mode
  • Running at 1080p on all platforms, with superior controls and enhanced animations, this is how survival was meant to look
  • Watch the original Developer Diaries and learn more about the Deadlight series!
  • Explore the gorgeous art of Deadlight in the Deadlight: Director’s Cut digital art book accessed in-game!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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