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Encouraging Kids To Blog About Gaming


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You should use gaming and cartoons as an opportunity. Children love sitting at home watching shows and playing on their Xbox. It presents them with a great amount of enjoyment. You can use this as a huge opportunity nowadays. After all, with the Internet and all of the other digital platforms, children have a bigger voice than they have ever had before. One Internet phenomenon that is taking over at the moment is blogging. You should encourage your child to blog about cartoons for many reasons. Combining the two can be highly beneficial.

1. Improve your child’s writing

If your child blogs on a frequent basis then they are going to enhance their level of writing and creativity. The only way to get better at writing is to practice and practice. When you are writing about something you like you feel inspired, therefore, the ideas flow and the writing is more enthusiastic. The ability to communicate effectively and use the English language properly is highly important. Blogging gives your child a great opportunity to master this.

2. Improve your child’s ability to analyse

When your child writes about specific games, they will be assessing the game and breaking it down. Your child will become more and more skilled at the ability to analyse effectively. This is extremely advantageous and used in many areas of life – from effectively analysing a social situation to being able to analyse a piece of text at school. This can also help if they go on to do an accredited online MBA or any other type of degree program.

3. Get to grips with technology

Blogging allows children a great opportunity to get to grips with how the internet works. They will get a glimpse into the world of websites and blogs – how they are set up, how they operate, and like. This is pivotal when you consider how digital the modern world is becoming. Blogging gives a greater chance for this then other internet activities do.

4. Cure some boredom

“Mum, I’m bored!!!” – How many times do you hear this a day? Children constantly complain that they are bored. Blogging gives another opportunity to cure some boredom and provide entertainment.

5. Social interaction

Blogging provides children with the opportunity to interact with one and other – but don’t worry; this will not be on a personal level. You can connect with other blogs and you can share information regarding different games. Your children will be able to unearth other great games for them to play too.

6. Carve a career

You may think that it is optimistic to visualise blogging as a career. But so many people are making blogging a profitable business for them. This doesn’t mean that it is going to 100% happen for your child in the future. But there is no harm in having the platform and the possibility of this being the case.

7. Pride

Every child should enjoy the feeling of being proud of themselves. There is nothing better than a sense of achievement. Blogging offers this. Your child will be proud of the blog posts they write and the response they receive.

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