It started with the humble Bomber Crew before Curve Digital and Runner Duck went intergalactic with Space Crew. Now though it’s time to become a legend of the galactic universe with a huge free expansion pushing Space Crew into Legendary Edition proportions.
Coming to Space Crew on October 21st 2021 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC will be a massive new expansion for the game, arriving for free for all existing members of the Space Crew. It promises to let you channel your inner starship captain, as you partake in a stellar challenge in the far-flung reaches of the Milky Way.
Running with the title Space Crew: Legendary Edition, the vast new expansion will arrive for free to all current owners. And it’s something you won’t want to miss either as it’ll include aeons of new content including the epic Android Ambush campaign and – for the first time – the opportunity to take your crew off-ship onto stations, outposts and new vessels in Away Team missions.
The Legendary Edition will also feature a new star-system to explore, with additional missions as well as a range of special features and gameplay experiences. It’s easily the largest content expansion for any Crew game in the history of time and space.
“We’re really excited to be launching the Legendary Edition for Space Crew” says Jon Wingrove, co-founder of Runner Duck Games. “We want to say a huge thank you to our wonderful community for their amazing support and we’re delighted to be able to give players more content to blast off this October.
Space Crew: Legendary Edition will feature:
- A brand new campaign – Players will take on a droid army led by rogue androids previously allied with the United Defence Force. Battle against a whole host of new Enemy Champions and ships across new missions, with new gear, liveries and upgrades available for victorious Captains to unlock.
- Away Team missions – Leave your ship and venture on foot for the first time with three of your crew onto outposts and large vessels in the all NEW Away Team missions. Selecting the right team will be critical for survival as Away Team missions consist of exploration, puzzles, or combat… sometimes even against the clock!
- Legendary Crew members – Build and personalise your ultimate crew by discovering and rescuing legendary crew members with amazing abilities and superior stats, to bolster your efforts against the enemy threat.
If you haven’t yet played Space Crew (or Bomber Crew for that matter), we highly advise you to take in our full review of how the game plays on Xbox. Further to that though, you’ll find that Space Crew: Legendary Edition warps players to the far-flung future to fight an intergalactic battle on a legendary scale. Armed with a carefully chosen crew and a fully customisable spaceship, it’ll be up to you to protect Earth and venture across the galaxy to stave off alien and android threats.
You can grab Space Crew right now, ahead of the free Legendary expansion, by visiting the digital store of your choice. The Xbox Store link is here and will let you grab Space Crew for Xbox One and for Xbox Series X|S. Expect to find it on PlayStation, Switch and PC via Steam too. To support the impending launch of the expansion, Curve Digital is running a Space Crew 60% off sale from 11th October to 19th October on Steam so there is probably no better time to get involved.