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Kontinue the fight as Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath goes live


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Need a reason to kontinue to fight? Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is here.

Available to purchase and add into your base Mortal Kombat 11 game, Aftermath is the first ever expansion for Warner Bros and NetherRealm Studio’s hit fighter, providing gamers with an all new story that is rich in cinematic, three new playable fighters including the iconic RoboCop and a number of new skin packs. 

Priced at £34.99, Mortal Kombat: Aftermath isn’t one of those cheap throwaway DLC pieces that many games see tacked on. Nope, this is a fully fledged expansion, one full of content and promising many an hour of gameplay. 

The main draw is the new story which centres itself around both trust and deceit. It is here where the Fire God Liu Kang has become the new protector of time, the overseer of the Earthrealm world. He has big plans too and by drawing in both allies and foes, it’ll be up to you to dictate where things go. Who can you trust? Who must be taken down? In Aftermath it is all about forging a path and a whole new historical outlook. 

But it wouldn’t be half as tempting without the inclusion of some new fighters and Aftermath doesn’t just bring in Sheeva and Fujin for fun times, but also provides access to the power of RoboCop. And knowing how we love our icons, chances are you’ll be seeing him clunking around the battle areans for some time going forward.

So, how do you go about getting access to Aftermath? Well, having the base game to hand is a great start as from there on out you just need to head to your favoured digital store and grab the Aftermath Expansion for £34.99. But there are other options too and if the previously available Kombat pack also takes a fancy, then there is a bundle including that for £39.99. This will see you also getting access to six additional characters – Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, Terminator T-800, Sindel, The Joker & Spawn. There will also be some more skin packs thrown in for good measure.

If you don’t have Mortal Kombat 11 already then your best option is to take the Mortal Kombat II Aftermath Kollection for £49.99. Base game, Aftermath, Kombat Pack – all included. What more do you want in life? As well as the Xbox One edition, you’ll also find some Aftermath goodies available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC and Google Stadia.

Whatever you pick up, let us know by dropping in some killer komments below.

Aftermath Description:

Experience Mortal Kombat’s first-ever major expansion. Aftermath features a brand-new cinematic story centered around trust and deceit. Fire God Liu Kang, the new keeper of time and protector of Earthrealm, looks to secure the future he envisions. In order to do so, he is forced to enlist the help of some unlikely allies and familiar foes. Players will have to decide who they can trust and who they must defeat with fate on the line. Forge a new history.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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