Zen Studios, the guys behind all those crazy good Pinball tables on Xbox One and Xbox 360 have something new to announce… Portal Pinball!
Coming to a console near you in the week beginning 25th May 2015, Zen and Valve have teamed up to bring you Portal Pinball. One of the most loved game series of recent times is being given the pinball treatment and Zen Studios are set to deliver.
You’ll be tasked with guiding Chell and Wheatley through test chambers as they navigate portals, use aerial plates, defeat turrets and work their way past all manner of other obstacles, as they go forward to battle GLaDOS and escape the facility.
You’ll also get the chance to team up with ATLAS and P-Body in their Cooperative Testing Initiative Multiball and wreak havok on the Turret Factory by discovering Ratman’s hidden mini playfield.
We’ll let you know as soon as release dates and formates are announced but we’re putting everything on the fact it’ll arrive on the usual formats including Xbox One and Xbox 360.
There will be cake.