HomeTheXboxHub News...Prison Architect to launch simultaneously on Xbox One and...

Prison Architect to launch simultaneously on Xbox One and PS4 this Spring



After becoming a multi-million seller over on PC, Prison Architect has been confirmed to release on both Xbox One and PS4 simultaneously this Spring.

Arriving both digitally and via the old skool disc based method, Double Eleven will be hoping that the console release will create as much buzz as the PC version did.

Prison Architect gives players the opportunity to build and manage their own maximum security prison – one which will need to house some of the world’s most hardened crims. You’ll have to cope with blazing infernos, prison wide riots, demolition and construction, and if you do manage to make it through unscathed, the Mayor will be ready to give you the reigns of a brand new prison development where you can build the prison of your dreams.

Whilst it will basically be the PC version tweaked and amended to suit consoles, an exclusive new feature is that of World of Wardens, a portal allowing players to share their creations with the world. Additionally, fans will also be able to download prisons created by others and expand them to make them their own – ideal for new players looking for some inspiration.

CEO of Sold Out, Garry Williams, said “Double Eleven has done a fantastic job of taking Introversion’s sales behemoth on PC, and crafted the perfect Prison Architect experience for consoles. With a game that is now specifically designed for console gamers, Sold Out is poised to hit the same record breaking sales with the retail console release, originally generated on PC.”

Mark South, Marketing Director of Double Eleven, said “Digitally we understand the mechanisms around discovery; we just didn’t want to leave the potential boxed revenue on the table. Our aim is to bring Prison Architect to as many gamers as possible, regardless of format. Partnering with Sold Out allows us to focus our energies on publishing on digital platforms, leaving the retail edition in their capable hands.”

Mark Morris – Managing Director of Introversion Software, said “After the job Double Eleven have done on Prison Architect, we can now declare them to be the AMG of Console Porting! This is a true console-centric re-imagination of our PC version which has completely blown us away – and we’re delighted that it will now be released at retail, as well as digital.”

We will of course let you know once Prison Architect arrives on Xbox One!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.


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