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Renew and rebuild with Season 9 of SnowRunner


snowrunner season 9 dlc

New maps. New vehicles. New cosmetics. New off-road fun. Yeah, it’s time to get renewing and rebuilding as Season 9 of SnowRunner arrives. 

SnowRunner is still one of our most favourite of off-road experiences – which is strange because normally we like to hoon it around in Forza Horizon 5. But there’s something about SnowRunner that makes it tick, with the appeal focusing on the need to delicately place wheels, workout routes and understand the physics in play. 

It’s not just us that likes it too, and if we take the plethora of content that has hit the game in the years since first release, there’s obviously a huge swathe of the gaming community that like nothing more than getting rough and ready in the cold. 

It’s with that in which we reach Season 9 of SnowRunner, and a host of new content yet again. Available either as a £5.99 cash outlay, or present and correct for those who have previously purchased the Year 3 Pass for the game, Renew & Rebuild brings forth a ton of new opportunities. 

This time around SnowRunner players should prepare themselves for the four seasons, as Season 9 adds in a couple of new 4km² maps. These are Albany River and Burnt Forest, allowing for some early autumn moods and a melancholic feel for a soothing experience as you bring life back to a desolate landscape of burnt forest and buildings, flooded farmland, water towers and disaster relief tents. You’ll need to traverse these lands and help the folk that occupy them get their devastated regions back on track. 

To do that, SnowRunner Season 9 gives you all the tools – two new vehicles: the Derry Special 15C-177, a dedicated Heavy-class vehicle specialized in carrying water with serious torque and incredible durability, and the ZiKZ 566A, a versatile Off-Road-class truck compatible with a wide variety of addons. We’re not sure what else you could want really. 

Although if you do want and need, you’ll find that the Year 3 Pass that comes about and kicks in with Season 9 is just the start of things. It also includes Seasons 10, 11 and the game’s third expansion in Season 12, with a host more content coming as the weeks progress. 

And further, Year 3 Pass owners will receive the exclusive Save the Day Vinyl Wrap Pack, bringing four exclusive skins for the Freightliner M916A1, Freightliner 114SD, International HX520 and Chevrolet Kodiak С70.

In summary:

  • • Two new 4km² Canadian maps. Wander through the Albany River and Burnt Forest maps to rebuild the region’s infrastructure.
  • • Two new vehicles: drive the Derry Special 15C-177, a dedicated Heavy-class vehicle specialized in carrying water with serious torque and incredible durability, and the ZiKZ 566A, a versatile Off-Road-class truck compatible with a wide variety of truck addons.
  • • 1 exclusive Firefighter skin for the Derry Special 15C-177

If you have a copy of SnowRunner in your digital library, we’re urge you to fire it up now that Season 9 is here. The Xbox Store will provide the download of Season 9: Renew & Rebuild you need to get the new content – whether you pay for it as an individual purchase or as part of that Year 3 Pass. 

Let us know how you get on in the wilds. 

SnowRunner is playable on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and PC.

DLC Description:

The Season 9: Renew & Rebuild DLC is included in the Year 3 Pass. Requires the base game SnowRunner to run. Devastated by ravaging wildfires, Ontario counts on you in Season 9: Renew & Rebuild. Clear logs from fallen trees, secure the buildings and bring materials to renovate burnt infrastructures.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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