HomeTheXboxHub News...Sally's Law launches on Xbox One

Sally’s Law launches on Xbox One


sallys law xbox one

There are times, while playing games on the Xbox, when I’ve shed a tear or two. Sometimes the tears are because of the emotional pull of the narrative found in games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Walking Dead, for example. Sometimes those tears come about via frustration, mostly when when fighting the bosses in Dark Souls 3 or trying to negotiate the pain of the Xbox Store. Sally’s Law on Xbox one is another game that promises to pull on the heartstrings to deliver a game that attempts to mix exciting gameplay with an emotional narrative. I’m pretty sure there will be more tears shed.

Available to download right now on Xbox One, Sally’s Law is about the relationship between a father and his daughter. Since Sally’s mother died, her relationship with her father has become very tense. Sally moves away to the city to follow her dreams of writing for picture books and it is here when her father becomes ill, forcing Sally to travel back home over the course of five action-orientated, story-driven chapters.

For the price tag of £10.74, Sally’s Law on Xbox One will see you given the chance to play out proceedings with both the character of Sally and her father. Sally will traverse several obstacles in this narrative-driven puzzle platformer, and on the face of it it all comes across as something that looks extremely interesting and unique to play. If anything because of the unparalleled gameplay, brilliant narrative structure and of course, the chance to shed some tears at bedtime.

Sally’s Law is available right now on Xbox One and the Xbox Store will allow you the chance to play out this individual narrative puzzle platformer. As always, you’ll want to head over there to pick it up, and be sure to keep an eye on these pages as a full review will no doubt follow. Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts surrounding this latest addition to the Xbox One library too – the comments section is below.

Game Description:

This is a story about a father and a daughter. The story about Sally, “the girl loved by the goddess of fortune”, and her father. Sally, who left her home to become a picture book writer, hears that her father has become ill and heads toward her beloved home. The clumsy father and Sally who is trying hard to make her dream come true. On her path to meet her father, the two feel a change of heart. The players will control the 2 characters and help them reunite at their beloved home in the game. Sally is always at her own pace. She will jump through the stairs, cliffs and valleys. Any dangerous-looking branches or fences would never stop her! Her father will remove anything that comes in her way. He will follow Sally’s route and make sure nothing would harm her. There will be numerous gimmicks along the way. Help Sally using the time stop and warp holes. Sally’s Law on XBox has multiplayer mode and also prologue and epilogue videos that were not included in the smartphone version. In addition, players can obtain Sally and her father’s unique avatars! Play the touching game which shed every players to tears on Xbox!

Gareth Brierley
Gareth Brierleyhttp://www.garethbrierley.co.uk
I am an actor and a writer. I act quite a bit on stage, a little bit on tv and never on tuesdays. I have had some of my writing published and have written for TV and stage. I have been playing games since they begun and don't seem to be getting any better.
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