We’re not sure we want to play Room of Depression, a game that focuses on the atmosphere and experience of depression itself. But if you do want to try and see the light, you’ll now find it on Xbox.
The Room of Depression on Xbox
Previously available on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch, the doors to the Room of Depression open on Xbox. It’s playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.
Room of Depression is the creation of those at FirePillar2, published by the IndieArk team as they go hunting £8.39 of your cash. Purchase, download and get playing and you’ll discover a tale that focuses on a life of depression. All as you try and get a grip on it, understanding what is going on.
You’ll be introduced to Moon in Room of Depression, helping her get through her routine, coping with daily life events and more. The thing is, because she suffers from depression, the biggest – and the smallest – of events effect her in various ways. You’ll need to help her get by them in this adventure.
Proceeds head to charity projects
As we say, we’re not sure Room of Depression is an absolutely enticing proposition, but it’s good to see that some of the cash that you will pay up for access will be donated to charity fundraising projects. That in itself may make it a worthy look.
If you are interested to see how Room of Depression on Xbox plays, get over to the Xbox Store and nab a download. Alternatively, Steam and Switch versions are also available.
Room of Depression Game Description
Is there anyone around you that suffers from depression? Do you really understand depression? This game allows you to enter a world of people who suffer from depression and understand how to deal with people with depression properly. “Room of Depression” is an adventure game on Steam that focuses on the atmosphere and experience of depression. Players experience Moon’s daily life. Her encounters may be as ordinary as any passer-by but her world is very different from others. The big and small events in life affect her differently because she suffers from depression. Depression is a common mental illness around the world, especially in developed cities. The mission of this work is to not only explain depression, but to let players have a taste of depression themselves through the game experience. We will donate part of the game revenue to charity fundraising projects, and you are welcome to join us.