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The Kindeman Remedy releases on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch

The Kindeman Remedy
The Kindeman Remedy releases on Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch

The Kindeman Remedy may well be the perfect blend of horror and management. What d’ya mean you’ve never considered blending the two…!?

Available right now on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, The Kindeman Remedy comes from those over at Troglobytes Games and their friends at 3D Realms. And frankly, it seems like a game we’ve been wanting to play for some time. 

A twisted tale

Priced around $7.99, The Kindeman Remedy places us slapbang in the centre of a prison; a horrific place full of the strange. It’s here where we get to guide Dr. Kindeman – the prison doctor – as they look to take on all manner of medical research opportunities. As you may suspect, when teamed with Sister Anna, that research may not all be above board. 

What plays out from there is anyone’s guess, but expect to be found participating in some heinous experiments, pushing them on the prison inmates. This means you’ll be found concocting elixirs, preparing pills and ‘enjoying’ a bit of torture, making the most of saws, hammers and the like. Yep, Dr. Kindeman is a little bit twisted. 

From there, dark twisted paths await, taking the narrative and running with it. Throw in multiple endings, various decisions and choices, and you’ll find that The Kindeman Remedy is the blasphemous management game you never knew you needed to play. 

Story? Or Endless?

What’s more, The Kindeman Remedy comes with both a Story Mode and that of an Endless Mode… 

  • A Story-Driven Madness with Multiple Endings – A dark story populated with complex characters adds depth to this gut-wrenching experience, raising disturbing moral questions and showing us the other side of evil: humanity. Multiple endings and unlockable events make the game replayable, leaving the destiny of Anna and Carl in the player’s hands. Whether they fail or triumph is up to you.
  • Endless Mode – Science cannot be stopped! The Endless Mode is here for those who love a real challenge. Perform all your malicious deeds to complete different objectives while avoiding Mr. Black’s ever-guarding eyes. Choose the optimal timing to administer poison pills and drips and to use the Secret Room. Be careful: one misstep and you are done for good!

Buy now!

You’ll find The Kindeman Remedy on the usual digital storefronts today from 10am PT (6pm UK). For us Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S players, it’s the Xbox Store which will deliver the goods, with Smart Delivery on tap. That means you can be sure you’ll be playing the finest version of The Kindeman Remedy for whatever Xbox machine you are on. 

Additionally, The Kindeman Remedy should be on stores of PlayStation and Nintendo Switch too. 

Want a review? We’ll get on it. 

The Kindeman Remedy Description

Doctor Carl Kindeman has lost everything. Scorned and hated by the entire medical community for his “questionable” methods, he accepted a miserable job in an appalling prison.

But that is all part of the plan. Here, he will restore his lost reputation. Here, no one will notice his experiments. Be the Monster Doctor Kindeman would do anything to restore his reputation. Anything.

Do with the inmates as you please. Let them die screaming on the electric chair, or save them…only to use them for your research afterward. Melt their bones, burn their intestines, or simply maul them to death: you are a genius, and they are just your guinea pigs.

It feels good to be bad…but do you have the stomach for it? Physician, manage Thy Lab Being an evil doctor is hard work: upgrade and use eight different rooms, manage your resources, play with poisons, drugs, and hazardous substances, and conduct secret experiments.

It is a lot to handle, but you are not alone. Sister Anna is there for you. Always. And always ready to do just what the doctor ordered.

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