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TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 125: Life without FIFA and Gotham Knights axes last gen


It’s a relatively quiet time in terms of AAA releases at the moment, but that doesn’t mean our team has nothing to talk about. Far from it, with a selection of interesting games like Whiskey & Zombies to provide opinions on as well as news regarding the future of FIFA, a monstrous invasion in Call of Duty Warzone, and a surprising decision involving Gotham Knights. There’s also a quiz, so you won’t want to miss TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 125!

This week, you’ll have the pleasure of Gareth, James, Darren and Paul infiltrating your ears. In the opening segment, expect to find out our thoughts on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Amazon Prime Video’s mysterious thriller Outer Range, and the dramatic Pachinko on Apple TV+. 

Beyond that, it’s time to focus on the games we’ve been playing recently; starting with the top-down twin-stick shooter set during a zombie outbreak, Whiskey & Zombies. Also featured in this episode are the deep narrative-driven RPG Citizen Sleeper, the metroidvania adventure Blast Brigade vs. The Evil Legion of Dr. Cread, and the story-rich Best Month Ever!.

After discussion surrounding the aforementioned news topics, the only thing left to do is partake in a quiz. Be sure to let us know if you would’ve answered more questions correctly than our contestants.

If you wish to comment on anything discussed in TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 125, or ask any questions for us to answer in future episodes, feel free to do so!

As always, full show notes are available over at https://www.thexboxhub.com/podcast

TheXboxHub Official Podcast is a weekly (mostly) podcast in which multiple members of the team behind the main site and written words get together to chat about all things Xbox, gaming, and life in general. We cover PlayStation and Switch stuff as well, mostly as we see no reason to bother ourselves with the whole format wars that go on.

You can find this latest episode of our podcast on all the usual podcasting apps and options. That means it is available by searching for TheXboxHub on…

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James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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