Although we’ve had a whole weeks worth of Xbox deals available, Black Friday sees some one-off bargains becoming available on Xbox.
Xbox One gamers will need to wait a little while longer to grab a reduced price title, but those 360 owners amongst us will rejoice in seeing the following slashed in price.
WWE 2K14 – Usually £39.99 now down to £26.79 saving 33%
WWE 2K14 Accelerator DLC – Usually £1.59 now down to £0.79 saving 50%
Halo 4 Champions Bundle – Usually £6.75 now down to £3.37 saving 50%
Rayman Legends – Usually £34.99 now down to £17.49 saving 50%
Magic 2014 – Usually £6.75 now down to £3.37 saving 50%
Spider-Man: Edge of Time – Usually £14.99 now down to £4.94 saving 67%
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions – Usually £14.99 now down to £4.94 saving 67%
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows – Usually £14.99 now down to £4.94 saving 67%
X-Men: Destiny – Usually £14.99 now down to £7.49 saving 50%
X-Men: Origins Wolverine – Usually £14.99 now down to £4.94 saving 67%
Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisien – Usually £19.99 now down to £6.79 saving 66%
Onechanbara – Usually £11.99 now down to £2.39 saving 80%
Looks like there will be some massive savings going around.
Keep an eye out for the Xbox Cyber Monday one day deals coming to a console near you on Monday 2nd December.