Home TheXboxHub News... Nintendo News Days of Doom delivers strategic zombie-slaying to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC

Days of Doom delivers strategic zombie-slaying to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC

days of doom
Zombie slaying plays out in Days of Doom from Atari

Fancy yet another opportunity to bash, shoot and burn zombies? Welcome to Days of Doom on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC, where an undead uprising has caused Hell on Earth. 

In this strategic RPG roguelike developed by SneakyBox and published by Atari, your goal is to dispose of all of the zeds on the field, whilst ensuring your party stays alive.

Strive for Sanctuary

The goal is Sanctuary. With only your trusty camper as shelter, in Days of Doom (now available on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, PC and Atari VCS) you will encounter a number of unique heroes, each with distinct abilities that are employed in turn-based combat. 

Dictated by a turn order, when you make your move you will combine movement across the board, and an ability. Of course, the more ranged heroes may opt for just combining multiple abilities in a single turn, without moving. 

XCOM fans will immediately feel familiar with what is found within Days of Doom, and each player can customise their playstyle with the 70+ items and runes to add to abilities.

Forget about making it all the way to the end in your first run. The aim is to learn from each failed run, and come back stronger!

Key Features of Days of Doom on Xbox

  • Beautifully animated hand-drawn chibi art-style that brings an unusual and refreshingly vibrant vision of the post-apocalypse to life 
  • Eight unique character classes, each equipped with powerful default and punishing special abilities, boosted by over 70 items and runes to collect 
  • A dozen enemies, from the archetypal zombie to deadly raiders, to explosive monstrosities and two surprisingly brutal boss fights
  • Original orchestral soundtrack by Jelle Dittmar (Death by Flame, The Playboy Murders)

Available Now!

Days of Doom can now be played on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, Switch, PC and Atari VCS. 

It currently costs £24.99 via the Xbox Store. Our full review of Days of Doom on Xbox will be with you soon!

Days of Doom on Xbox Game Description

The apocalypse wasn’t the end of the world. Just the one we knew. Enter the Days of Doom, a post-apocalyptic tactical RPG roguelite that challenges players to reach Sanctuary, a place of promise and respite in a world of colorful chaos. Starting with a small cast of survivors, you’ll chart a path to reach your ultimate destination, encountering threats, including zombies, raiders, and even zombie raiders! Along the way you will need to recruit a ragtag band of heroes to protect your growing community and fight your way forward. 

Discovering how to best utilize each hero’s unique abilities is the key to success in Days of Doom’s turn-based combat. Attack with Pyro early in the battle, as he ignites enemies for lasting damage. Then combine the Hydromancer and the Thrasher in a one-two knockout punch. Hydromancer can set the stage with a ranged water attack, and then the Thrasher can deliver a shocking surprise to wet enemies. The odds against you may seem insurmountable, but if you use your heroes’ abilities strategically, upgrade them, and add new abilities along the way, you might just make it. 

No two runs are ever the same, which keeps you at the top of your game, and makes Days of Doom inherently replayable.

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