Zombie Army Trilogy is due for release in March. Many of you may have played the individual games already so why would you want to upgrade? Well, the following trailer shows you exactly why!
Not only does the Trilogy bring you Sniper Elite: Zombie Army 1 and 2 in one big downloadable package but you’ll also get access to:
- A third totally epic campaign
- Masses of zombie dismemberments
- All-new player characters
- The most brutal of new horde modes
- Terrifying new enemies
- Stunning remasters
- ….and a fully unified online community ready to go to battle!
Of course, if you’ve never taken in Rebellions zombie sniping massacre bringer then you’ll not need to worry about any of the above. You’ll just have to get out there and buy the Trilogy asap!
What’s not to like?
Zombie Army Trilogy releases March 6th on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.