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EA to knock it out of the park with the purchase of Metalhead Software and Super Mega Baseball


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The EA domination of the sports scene looks to continue, and hot on the heels of Electronic Arts picking up Codemasters and allowing for a larger EA library of racing titles, comes a similar acquisition of Metalhead Software, they behind the Super Mega Baseball franchise.

EA are well known for having many sports covered with video game options – FIFA, Madden, NFL, NHL and UFC being the standouts – but now they are looking to move into the world of baseball too, preparing to hit it out of the park with a new focus and ensuring there is a new option away from the MLB The Show and R.B.I. Baseball.

Taking on Metalhead Software will allow EA to develop new gaming and sports experiences for gamers worldwide, all while seeing the Super Mega Baseball franchise expand. With some fairly decent results in Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings, Super Mega Baseball 2 and Super Mega Baseball 3, it’s obvious that Metalhead know their stuff. And with EA pointing them in the right direction, the future can only be bright.

Metalhead co-founders Scott Drader and Christian Zuger started the company in 2009 and have since developed Super Mega Baseball into a highly rated and beloved gaming franchise, with an enthusiastic and loyal community. The Metalhead team will continue to work out of their Victoria, BC studio while partnering with the global EA SPORTS team to expand the Super Mega Baseball franchise as well as deliver new and engaging entertainment and sports experiences.

“We’re all players of Super Mega Baseball, and we’ve long admired the work of the Metalhead team. It’s a unique and beloved franchise among sports gamers – the balance and depth of gameplay, and the unique style of the content, makes it super fun to play with friends. We look forward to supporting and investing in the team so they can continue to build out more amazing games that delight sports fans around the world,” said Cam Weber, EA SPORTS EVP and GM. “EA SPORTS continues to expand, and we’re deeply excited to create more unique and interactive experiences that blur the lines between sports and entertainment.”

“Our team has worked hard over the years to refine a formula that uniquely mixes an arcade style with deep on-field gameplay and innovative co-operative and competitive multiplayer experiences,” said Scott Drader, Co-Founder of Metalhead Software. “In this next chapter, we’re excited to leverage EA’s power and reach to bring our titles to a broader audience and to take some ambitious next steps in the development of our future titles.”

But what do you think? Does this purchase of Metalhead Software by EA excite you? Let us know in the comments.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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