HomeTheXboxHub News...Hit the Crossroads as new Hunt: Showdown DLC arrives

Hit the Crossroads as new Hunt: Showdown DLC arrives


hunt showdown crossroads dlc

It’s been the best part of a year since Hunt: Showdown first started giving players the chance to take in some new competitive first-person PvP bounty hunting. But now comes the chance to ensure that you are the one taking home the spoils as the Crossroads DLC and Blood and Bone Bundle deliver multiple new opportunities. 

First released in September 2019 (at least for real after spending some time in Game Preview), Hunt: Showdown has consistently provided players the chance to prove themselves against the online world, getting involved in some pretty hardcore PvP bounty hunting. But if you were one of those finding success a bit of a struggle, there are now a few things to help you out, most notably the arrival of some glorious new bits of weaponry via the Hunt: Showdown – Crossroads DLC pack. 

Priced at £8.39, the Crossroads signifies a place between two world; a place where you may well encounter the supernatural. This pack though takes a slightly different route, throwing out four new weapons for you to enjoy in the base game of Hunt: Showdown. 

Comprising three firearms and a bomb lance, the following are all included in the Crossroads DLC pack…

  • Shellback – For the sailors who came and fought their way to the top of the AHA, the Shellback bomb lance was the weapon of choice for harpooning enemies both in water and on land. Both intimate and deadly.
  • Baptismal Blood – This Mosin-Nagant Avtomat is presented to Acolytes of the Night for their final initiation rite. If they pass or fail, they add either their enemies’ blood, or their own bone.
  • Sinner’s Prayer – The fine steel ornamentation on this Nitro Express is fit for a king – but the Sinners forfeit all titles. Those who carry it into the Louisiana swamps find themselves lords of a dark kingdom indeed.
  • Rite of Passage – Each who has risen in the ranks and completed the ritual should bear a sign of their prestige. For those who have made it, that sign is this Dolch, friend and companion for the darkest of trials.
hunt showdown blood and bone bundle

Whilst grabbing this pack for £8.39 from the Xbox Store is a more than viable option, you may also want to consider a drop of the Blood and Bones Bundle. This should appeal to the more hardcore Hunt: Showdown players as it not just contains this Crossroads DLC but also two further drops that have been promised for further down the line. £16.24 may seem a high price to pay, but it’s looking likely you’ll be getting access to three DLC packs for the price of two if you decide on this route, with the ‘Double of Nothing’ (three new dual wield weapons) and ‘Revenant’ (one Hunter and one weapon), also included. These should arrive in the next few months. 

You will obviously need the base game of Hunt: Showdown in place to enjoy any of these downloadable content additions. Let us know in the comments if you decide to pick any of them up.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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