HomeReviewsAccessory reviewsKontrolFreek Inferno thumbsticks for Xbox One Review

KontrolFreek Inferno thumbsticks for Xbox One Review


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Throw me a concaved Xbox One thumbstick add-on and I’ll squeal with delight. Throw me a pair that come resplendent in a glorious red on black colour scheme and I may just explode in a shower of joy. KontrolFreek obviously care little for my health because that’s exactly what they’ve done with their new Inferno range of thumbsticks for Xbox One.

Admittedly, the high-rise sticks that complete the Inferno pack may not be to everyone’s tastes, especially those who have small hands, but as a gamer who is captivated by the concave feel, finds pleasure in the beauty of a red and black combo and is quite happy to feel his way around the larger style sticks, the Inferno’s heat up each and every session, from the shortest five minute blasts, right up to those big old five hour endurance events.

The FPS Freek Inferno thumbsticks for Xbox One are both 10.4mm high. With a black underbody gripping onto your Xbox One controller for its life, and a lovely dark red top, complete with the iconic swirl effect we’ve seen on previous KontrolFreek products, the Infernos must definitely stand out from the crowd. Initial thoughts point to the new design looking somewhat hard and uncomfortable to use, but this is far from the truth. Whilst they aren’t as soft as the KF Galaxy range of sticks, they are a great enhancement to the standard solid Xbox One thumbsticks and are a pleasure to use and abuse with a slight spring in their feel. The laser etched swirl design also brings a huge degree of grip and whether you’re resting your main digits on top of the sticks, twiddling to your hearts content, or just caressing the edges as you look for delicate movement, there will be a great deal of confidence oozing through your fingers during even the most intense gameplay.


The KontrolFreek Inferno’s may not be the cheapest thumbsticks you can buy, but the quality in which they have been produced and indeed the satisfaction they give off whilst you spend time with your favourite game, means that you really do get what you pay for. They look brilliant on the standard Xbox One controller but would happily sit pride of place on near on any colour combo you have, although they do clash a fair old bit with the blue Forza 6 controller. With a stated 115% larger motion range, they more than bring an increased level of accuracy and precision, something that you’ll need for each and every Halo 5, Black Ops III or Destiny multiplayer battle.

After using them for a good couple of weeks, they seem to be standing up supremely well to all games and will be a great addition to your collection. Whether they do actually help your gameplay in any way is only something the individual can answer, but I know that I for one wouldn’t even consider sitting down with a controller in hand were it not accompanied by some form of KontrolFreek add-on. The Inferno’s are quite easily near the top of my preferred weapon list.

If you like the concaved feel and want something to stand out from the crowd, the Inferno’s will most definitely deliver.

You can buy the KontrolFreek Inferno thumbsticks for Xbox One direct from KontrolFreek right now.

Related – Unboxing the KontrolFreek Inferno thumbsticks for Xbox One.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.


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