HomeTheXboxHub News...Nintendo NewsKontrolFreek launch their softest Precision Rings yet!

KontrolFreek launch their softest Precision Rings yet!


Green Rings Pack Xbox

Over the years KontrolFreek have found a place in the gaming market with all manner of accessories. They are best known for a range of brilliant thumbstick additions, but in their product range are also the Precision Rings. And now, they’ve just launched their softest rings yet. 

The KontrolFreek Precision Rings – Soft pretty much do as they say on the tin. Taking what KF have produced in previous years, with the Medium strength (purple) and Hard strength (Black) Rings, the company has now launched the Soft rings. 

This product line was originally released in 2019 and the soft rings come as KontrolFreek’s direct response to consumer requests. They are seen as the perfect first step for those new to the Precision Rings world, whilst also complementing the other models in the range. 

Available in a brilliant lime green colour, the Precision Rings – Soft will set you back £9.99/$9.99 for a pack of four rings, whilst KontrolFreek are also providing a variety pack containing two of each of the Hard, Medium and Soft variety – two of each strength for £10.99. Made from a unique material that adds resistance to stock thumbsticks so players can take more accurate shots, even at max in-game sensitivities, Precision Rings are highly elastic and antimicrobial, made to endure hundreds of hours of gameplay. 

But why should you use them? Well, players who use Precision Rings should get better control, with the added resistance preventing players from overshooting targets. They are made from a flexible, moisture wicking material, something that is resistant to hand and finger oils, dampens sound and quickly recovers its original shape.

“At KontrolFreek, we are constantly pushing the envelope of how even a small tweak to the controller can make a substantial impact in game play,” said Kelly Eisenberg, Senior Director of Product & Brand Marketing. “Whether you’re a pro, an expert, an enthusiast, or a recreational player, we’re confident that there is now a Precision Ring strength that is perfect for your game. Once you try them, you’ll love them as much as our Performance Thumbsticks and other KontrolFreek gear.” 

If you wish to get hold of some of KontrolFreek’s newest Precision Rings – Soft (or any of their products in fact), get over to KontrolFreek direct. You should also find their products on your local Amazon storefront. They’ll also happily sort you out with some Gaming Lights and Gaming Cables too.

You’ll find the Precision Rings fit Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5 and Switch Pro controllers.

Let us know what you think of the Precision Rings. We’ve been hands on with them previously. Our Unboxing video is below. 

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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