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New outfit for Jolyne Cujoh in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Jolyne Cujoh Costume Green Dolphin Street State Prison Jacket Xbox

When writing a news article for TheXboxHub, one of the stipulations is that it needs to be over 300 words long. I am at nearly half of that with just the name of this DLC. Available now on Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and PC is the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Jolyne Cujoh Costume Green Dolphin Street State Prison Jacket. What a mouthful.

Let’s try and break that name down a little bit. This is a new DLC for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, in itself a bit of a long title. The DLC is for the character Jolyne Cujoh and it falls under the costume category, being a new outfit for her. What outfit? The Green Dolphin Street State Prison Jacket of course. And there you have it, now you know what exactly the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Jolyne Cujoh Costume Green Dolphin Street State Prison Jacket is.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R is a fighting game remake based on the long running anime, that initially released on PlayStation 3 back in 2014. It’s arrival on Xbox was accompanied by the base game and a Deluxe Edition that featured a Season Pass. Unfortunately, the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Jolyne Cujoh Costume Green Dolphin Street State Prison Jacket is not included in either of these.

You can purchase it now, however. The JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Jolyne Cujoh Costume Green Dolphin Street State Prison Jacket is on the Xbox Store priced at £1.69. Needless to say, that you will require the base game in order to access this DLC. Let us know in the comments if you will be picking this one up and whether or not you managed to say the full title without taking a breath.

DLC description*Use of this add-on requires the full version of the game (sold separately). You may also need to install the most recent game patch. Unlock the Prisoner Uniform outfit for playable character Jolyne Cujoh for use in-game

Richard Dobson
Richard Dobson
Avid gamer since the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Grew up with the PS1 and PS2 but changed allegiances in 2007 with the release of Halo 3.
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